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[Closed] Dynamic button width using DotNet?

I’m still working on learning dotNet. It seems to have a lot of useful applications in MaxScript, but there is one thing bothering me. When you create a button using MaxScript, by default it fits the text written in that button. What do I need to do for the same effect using dotNet?

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 try(destroydialog resizableRol) catch()
 rollout resizableRol "Resizable"
 	local minwidth = 120
 	local maxwidth = 300
 	dotnetcontrol pb "CheckBox" text:"" width:120 height:24 pos:[2,2]
 	dotnetcontrol tb "TextBox" text:"type button text ..." width:120 pos:[2,30]
 	on resizableRol open do
 		pb.Appearance = pb.Appearance.Button
 		pb.TextAlign = pb.TextAlign.MiddleCenter
 		pb.FlatStyle = pb.FlatStyle.Flat
 		pb.FlatAppearance.CheckedBackcolor = pb.Backcolor.Orange
 	on tb TextChanged a do pb.text = tb.text
 	on pb TextChanged a do
 		tb.text = pb.text
 		w = ((dotnetclass "TextRenderer").MeasureText pb.text pb.font).width + 10
 		w = amax minwidth (amin w maxwidth)
 		if w != pb.width do resizableRol.width = (pb.width = tb.width = w) + 4
 	local commandmode
 	on pb CheckStateChanged a do if pb.Checked then
 		commandmode = toolmode.commandmode
 		if (obj = pickObject()) != undefined do pb.text =
 		pb.Checked = off	
 	else toolmode.commandmode = commandmode
 createdialog resizableRol width:124 height:56


You can use the Graphics.MeasureString method. But if you need pixel perfect precision, then it will get more involved.


Have you tried setting the .AutoSize property to true? That should do the trick.
