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[Closed] Dynamic button width using DotNet?
Dec 15, 2009 10:56 pm
I’m still working on learning dotNet. It seems to have a lot of useful applications in MaxScript, but there is one thing bothering me. When you create a button using MaxScript, by default it fits the text written in that button. What do I need to do for the same effect using dotNet?
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try(destroydialog resizableRol) catch()
rollout resizableRol "Resizable"
local minwidth = 120
local maxwidth = 300
dotnetcontrol pb "CheckBox" text:"" width:120 height:24 pos:[2,2]
dotnetcontrol tb "TextBox" text:"type button text ..." width:120 pos:[2,30]
on resizableRol open do
pb.Appearance = pb.Appearance.Button
pb.TextAlign = pb.TextAlign.MiddleCenter
pb.FlatStyle = pb.FlatStyle.Flat
pb.FlatAppearance.CheckedBackcolor = pb.Backcolor.Orange
on tb TextChanged a do pb.text = tb.text
on pb TextChanged a do
tb.text = pb.text
w = ((dotnetclass "TextRenderer").MeasureText pb.text pb.font).width + 10
w = amax minwidth (amin w maxwidth)
if w != pb.width do resizableRol.width = (pb.width = tb.width = w) + 4
local commandmode
on pb CheckStateChanged a do if pb.Checked then
commandmode = toolmode.commandmode
if (obj = pickObject()) != undefined do pb.text =
pb.Checked = off
else toolmode.commandmode = commandmode
createdialog resizableRol width:124 height:56
Dec 15, 2009 10:56 pm
You can use the Graphics.MeasureString method. But if you need pixel perfect precision, then it will get more involved.
Dec 15, 2009 10:56 pm
Have you tried setting the .AutoSize property to true? That should do the trick.