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[Closed] Dynamic Array Manipulation

I’ve declared my array, example: global vArray = #()

So now I can append to my array, but how can I delete a value? Kill, Free, etc.


4 Replies


Use deleteItem array index



You can use a combination of findItem and deleteItem methods like this :

exampleArray = #(4,2,8,3)

print "Before delete:"
print exampleArray

-- Search for item index in array
itemIdx = findItem exampleArray 8

-- If the index returned is not zero
-- The value was found
if itemIdx != 0 then
	deleteItem exampleArray itemIdx

print "After delete:"
print exampleArray

findItem method works also with strings, Point3s, floats etc.

Ok, thanks for that…
This findItem method is the most efficient algorythm?


This findItem method is the most efficient algorythm?

Yes it is. findItem performs a simple “==” comparison.