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[Closed] Drive position via array?

Hi, I’m somewhat new to MaxScript but I’ve been Poly Modeling for a while now…

I’ve been writing a few basic scripts to get my head around what you can do (or what I can do at least) in MaxScript…

Ok I’m trying to move the position of a Dummy via an array of integers but as I’m so new to this I can’t quite figure out how to link the position of the dummy to the array, I’ll also have to key frame each movement so I can at least see if this works, I don’t want it all to happen in one frame after all…

Below is the script for the dummy positioner I’ve made so far… remember, I’m literaly 2 days new to MaxSxript so please have mercy on my soul.

macroscript Run_Positioner
category: “Positioner”
function Run_Positioner = (

    Positioner = Dummy name:"positioner*"
    Positioner.position = [0,0,0]
        PositionArray = #(0,5,10,15,20,25,30,35,40,45,50)
            For i in PositionArray do Positioner.pos.z == PositionArray


macroscript Delete_Positioner
delete $Positioner*

Also if you’re feeling generous, I’ve figured out how to create an object, change it to an editable poly and select faces but I can’t seem to extrude the face, is there a straight forward code for this? I ask as I’m making a kind of “different” tree grower script based on the one in the CG Society DVD “understanding the Matrix”… They’re good DVD’s but I feel I’ve spent £70+ to be shown where the MaxScript Refference window is…

Many thanks and please ask for more details if you wish.

3 Replies

OK there are a few basics you got wrong in your script, I would say you need to read a bit about the “for loop” for a start!

anyway here is a way of doing it, at least you can see how it can be done.

  rollout test "Test"
  button btnMove "Press to Move" align:#center
  local posArray = #(0,5,10,15,20,25,30)
  local newpos
  on btnMove pressed do
  	slidertime = 0
  	with animate on -- just so it sets some keys
  	for i = 1 to posArray.count do -- run through the array counting from 1 (as all arrays count from 1)
  		newPosX = posArray[i]  -- create a new variable so we can implement it
  		newPosY = $box01.pos.y
  		newPosZ = $box01.pos.z
  		newPos = point3 (newPosX) (newPosY) (newPosZ) -- combine the position values 
  		in coordsys world $box01.pos = newPos -- apply the new position co-ordinates
  		slidertime += 1
  createDialog test 200 100

I animated it moving along so you can see the results of it creating your animation.

Dunno about the modelling side of script, but I would grab something similar to what you want to achieve and study, and read the max reference its pretty good.

saying that, you could just do –

 for i = 1 to posArray.count do
 	$box01.pos.x = posArray[i]
 	slidertime += 1

Thanks a lot for the reply simonpapp, I’m so very new to this MaxScript business but your help is greatly appreciated.