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[Closed] Dotnet fonts

Hi, Im trying to set a list view item to bold and italic. I can do one or the other but am not sure how to set both styles.

1 Reply

System.Drawing.Fontstyle is an enumerated type, so you have to use dotnet.combineenums to ‘or’ its bits.

   myForm = dotnetobject "form"
   myLabel = dotnetobject "label"
   FStyleClass = dotnetclass "system.drawing.fontstyle"
   boldItalic = [b]dotnet.combineenums[/b] FStyleClass.italic FStyleClass.bold
   myFont = dotnetobject "system.drawing.font" mylabel.font boldItalic  
   myLabel.font = myFont
   myLabel.text = "Bold  Italic"
   myForm.controls.add mylabel