Clear all

[Closed] Dotnet <> Max Combobox

God job Akram! Very nice filtering method

If you want it to be more iTunes-like where you match on the text anywhere in the name, you could do this:
pat = “” + txt + “

Looks very cool – I wanted to show you an example of what you could do in Python & PyQt to solve your problem (I am trying to get more awareness about dotNet alternatives in 3dsMax out in the public more)

One of the cool things you can do in PyQt is you could actually make that item (your two controls) into a single reusable widget –

This would be the widget file:

 # Make my own reusable widget
 from PyQt4.QtGui 	import QWidget
 class LinkedListWidget( QWidget ):
 	def __init__( self, parent ):
 		QWidget.__init__( self, parent )
 		from PyQt4.QtGui	import QListWidget
 		from PyQt4.QtGui	import QVBoxLayout
 		from PyQt4.QtGui	import QLineEdit
 		# Create a text field and a listbox
 		layout = QVBoxLayout()
 		layout.setContentsMargins( 0, 0, 0, 0 )
 		self._textEdit 		= QLineEdit( self )
 		self._listWidget 	= QListWidget( self )
 		self._items				= []
 		layout.addWidget( self._textEdit )
 		layout.addWidget( self._listWidget )
 		self.setLayout( layout )
 	def _connect( self ):
 		from PyQt4.QtCore import SIGNAL
 		self.connect( self._textEdit, SIGNAL( 'textChanged(const QString &)' ), self.filterItems )
 	def filterItems( self, text ):
 		if ( str( text ) ):
 			import re
 			expr 		= re.compile( str( text ).replace( '*', '.*' ), re.IGNORECASE )
 			filtered = [ item for item in self._items if expr.match( str( item ) ) ]
 			self._listWidget.addItems( filtered )
 			self._listWidget.setCurrentRow( 0 )
 			self._listWidget.addItems( self._items )
 	def setItems( self, items ):
 		self._items = items
 		self._listWidget.addItems( items )

Then, from any other tool you’d want to use it for (you could write it for tools inside of max or standalone apps), you now have access to it!

 from LinkedListWidget import LinkedListWidget # Import my widget class

This would be it in use inside of max:

 from blur.wingui			import Dialog

# Register the location of the linked list widget
import sys
if ( not 'c:/temp' in sys.path ):
	sys.path.append( 'c:/temp' )
from LinkedListWidget	import LinkedListWidget

class MyDialog( Dialog ):
	def __init__( self ):
		Dialog.__init__( self )
		from PyQt4.QtGui	import QVBoxLayout
		layout = QVBoxLayout()

		widget = LinkedListWidget( self )
		layout.addWidget( widget )
		self.setLayout( layout )

		self.addItems( widget )

	def addItems( self, widget ):
		# Generate random items
		from random				import randrange
		import string

		upper = string.uppercase
		lower = string.lowercase
		items = []
		for i in range( 100 ):
			items.append( upper[ randrange( 0, 25 ) ] + lower[ randrange( 0, 25 ) ] + lower[ randrange( 0, 25 ) ] )
		widget.setItems( items )


That easy to get a reusable custom widget!

Eric Hulser
Tools Developer
Blur Studio

Is very interesting how many approaches can be used to solve one think.

Many thanks guys

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