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[Closed] Dotnet <> Max Combobox


Max Combobox is combination of a textbox and editbox, where is implemented automatic search for textbox content rigt ?

Dotnet Combobox looks like a simple dropdown list…(maybe can be modified?)

Is in dotnet something like max combobox? or must be done by two components?

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! dotnet ComboBox combines both textbox and dropdown list functionalities.

try(destroydialog cbox) catch()
rollout cbox "ComboBox" width:200 height:23 
 dotnetcontrol ed "ComboBox" pos:[0,1] width:200 height:21 
 on cbox open do
  ed.items.addrange #("March","April","May")
createdialog cbox

Joined: 11 months ago

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I dont know my friend , when I tryed it he drop this error:

– Error occurred in
– Frame:
>> MAXScript Rollout Handler Exception: – Runtime error: No method found which matched argument list <<

When I run it with comented this line ed.items.addrange #(“March”,“April”,“May”)
then dialog is open with a simple dropdown list inside?

any sugestions?

Im tryed allso one method which I found on a forum.
Is working , but again , is only a drop down list no listbox below…

  try(destroydialog cbox) catch()
  rollout cbox "ComboBox" width:200 height:200 
  	 dotnetcontrol ed "ComboBox" pos:[0,1] width:200 height:21 
  	fn dotNetArray mxsArray = 
  		netArray = dotNetObject "System.String[]" mxsArray.count
  		for i=1 to mxsArray.count do 
  			str = dotNetObject "System.String" mxsArray[i]
  			indx = dotNetObject "System.Int32" (i-1)
  			netArray.SetValue str indx
  	 on cbox open do
  		  ed.items.addrange(dotNetArray #("March","April","May"))
  createdialog cbox

Maybe Im not explane it right.
Here is some picture

I want the listbox to be static , not dropable

listbox is not the same as dropdown list
there is no dotnet control that combines textbox and listbox. you have to use two controls.

MerlinEl, may I ask why you are creating dotnet array for combobox? You can use normal maxscript arrays with most dotnet controls.

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Joined: 11 months ago

Posts: 0

Hi VVaari

because of this error:

– Error occurred in
– Frame:
>> MAXScript Rollout Handler Exception: – Runtime error: No method found which matched argument list <<

Maybe is something with 3DsMax9

Thats it what I was afraid :hmm:

But I think I can do that…

And here is it! My first vession of Dotnet Max Combobox

  rollout dotnetMaxComboBoxDialog "Combo Box Test:" width:240 height:332
  	dotNetControl textBox "textbox" pos:[8,20] width:224 height:20
  	dotNetControl listbox "listbox" pos:[8,44] width:224 height:284
  	fn dotNetArray mxsArray = 
  		local netArray = dotNetObject "System.String[]" mxsArray.count
  		  for i=1 to mxsArray.count do 
  			  local str = dotNetObject "System.String" mxsArray[i]
  			  local indx = dotNetObject "System.Int32" (i-1)
  			  netArray.SetValue str indx
  	fn fillListBox =
  		--generate random array
  		local lower="abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"
  		local arr = for i = 1 to 100 collect \
  		upper[random 1 upper.count] +
  		lower[random 1 upper.count] +
  		lower[random 1 upper.count] +
  		lower[random 1 upper.count] +
  		lower[random 1 upper.count]
  		listbox.items.addrange(dotNetArray arr)
  		listbox.Sorted = true
  	fn lowerCase text =
  		local lower="abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"
  		new_text = ""
  		for i = 1 to text.count do
  			local column = findString upper text[i] 
  			if column == undefined
  			then new_text += text[i]
  			else new_text += lower[column]
  	fn compareTexts textArray text ignoreCase:false =
  		for i = 1 to textArray.count do
  			if  textArray[i].count < text.count do return 0
  			local text_part = subString textArray[i] 1 text.count
  			if ignoreCase do
  				text_part = lowerCase text_part
  				text	  = lowerCase text 
  			format "text_part:%	text:%
"  text_part text 
  			if text_part == text do return i
  		return 0
  	fn searchInListbox text =
  	( listbox
  		local listbox_items = for i = 0 to listbox.Items.Count-1 collect listbox.Items.Item[i]
  		local row = compareTexts listbox_items text ignoreCase:true
  		if row != 0 do listbox.SelectedIndex = row-1
  	on dotnetMaxComboBoxDialog open do
  		setFocus textBox
  	on textBox keyPress arg do 
  		--if not backspace pressed
  		searchInListbox (textBox.text + (if arg.KeyChar != "" then arg.KeyChar else ""))
  createDialog dotnetMaxComboBoxDialog

Currently, this works well.
Im not satisfied with this line ,
searchInListbox (textBox.text + (if arg.KeyChar != “” then arg.KeyChar else “”))
but I cant find nothing better

–removed double post : lol

you can use KeyUp event instead of keyPress

   on textBox keyUp arg do 
	searchInListbox textBox.text

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Joined: 11 months ago

Posts: 0

Yes , its much better

i have a simple version for you have a look.

rollout dotnetMaxComboBoxDialog "Combo Box Test:" width:240 height:332
	local items = #()
  	dotNetControl textBox "textbox" pos:[8,20] width:224 height:20
  	dotNetControl listbox "listbox" pos:[8,44] width:224 height:284

  	fn fillListBox =
  		--generate random array
  		local lower="abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"
  		local arr = for i = 1 to 100 collect \
  		upper[random 1 upper.count] +
  		lower[random 1 upper.count] +
  		lower[random 1 upper.count] +
  		lower[random 1 upper.count] +
  		lower[random 1 upper.count]
  		listbox.items.addrange arr
  		listbox.Sorted = true
		items = arr
  	fn searchInListbox txt =
  	( listbox
		tempAry = #()
		pat = txt + "*"
		for i in items do
			if matchPattern i pattern:pat do
				append tempAry i
  	on dotnetMaxComboBoxDialog open do
  		setFocus textBox
  	on textBox keyUp arg do 
  		--if not backspace pressed
		txt = textBox.text
		list = searchInListbox txt
		if txt != "" then
			listbox.items.addrange list
			if list.count != 0 then	listbox.selectedIndex = 0
			listbox.items.addrange items
			listbox.selectedIndex = 0
  createDialog dotnetMaxComboBoxDialog

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