The LoneRobot script seems to work fine here. What Max version are you on? Also I couldn’t get your script yo display any buttons…
I have 3DsMax 9
In my script you must do these steps to load images in to form
- make a dir
- create one subdir inside
- put there some jpg images
- run the script, dialog will be apear
- press button browse and assing the first dir
- images will be loaded in to buttons
now check the buttons if is highliting and rClick menu is apearing
merge some model in scene and check it again… image buttons will be dead
Actually the buttons are not dead. They are staying alive, but their event handlers are dead…
Wow, that is one nasty bug. Is there a way to check for them and add them back?
IMHO it’s the [color=red]TERRIBLE BUG! It’s possible to handle some general events and re-add event handlers to layout’s controls… But there is no way to handle gc itself. [/color]
actualy Yes! they ar not dead ,but the result is nearly same.
This gallery is supposed to store and add meshes to scene.
To make work going “faster”.
Now if I’m merge an object in to scene.
Then I must every time fil flowlayoutpanel with [color=white]event Handlers[/color](slow down)
And if will be there more than 100 obj in the Gallery…?
Well get that bug reported over at ADSK’s bug reporting page so that it gets corrected. Does this still happen if you are not using a rollout and use a dotNet dialog instead?
here is all made in DotNet form:
local jpg_images_dir = "E:\\3DGallery\\Objects\\Table" --set dir with JPG IMAGES
local colorclass = dotnetclass "system.drawing.color"
local colors = dotNetClass "System.Drawing.Color"
local dockStyle = dotNetClass "System.Windows.Forms.DockStyle"
local singleborder = (dotNetClass "System.Windows.Forms.BorderStyle").fixedsingle
local dnfont = dotNetObject "System.Drawing.Font" "Verdana" 6.5 ((dotNetClass "System.Drawing.FontStyle").bold)
local dnfontlarge = dotNetObject "System.Drawing.Font" "Verdana" 8.5 ((dotNetClass "System.Drawing.FontStyle").bold)
local dnMXSlarge = dotNetObject "System.Drawing.Font" "System" 8.5 ((dotNetClass "System.Drawing.FontStyle").bold)
local leg = dotnetobject "label"
leg.text = "textbox"
leg.margin = dotnetobject "" 2
leg.size = dotnetobject "system.drawing.size" 543 531
fn Btn_Pressed sender eventargs =
local stringdata
leg.forecolor = sender.forecolor
leg.backcolor = if sender.text == "Transparent" then colorclass.white else sender.backcolor
--higlight thumbnails
if sender.backcolor == colorclass.yellow
stringdata = "pressed 1"--sender.tag
sender.backcolor = colorclass.cadetblue
stringdata = "pressed 2"--sender.text
sender.backcolor = colorclass.yellow --not working too
leg.text = stringdata
show eventargs
local flp = dotnetobject "flowlayoutpanel"
flp.padding = dotnetobject "" 2
local Images_Array = getFiles (jpg_images_dir + "\\*.jpg")
local dnobjarray = #()
for i in Images_Array do
local btndragdrop = dotnetobject "button"
btndragdrop.size = dotnetobject "system.drawing.size" 160 120
btndragdrop.forecolor = colorclass.ivory --text color
btndragdrop.margin = dotnetobject "" 2 -- thumbs distance
btndragdrop.flatstyle = (dotNetclass "System.Windows.Forms.FlatStyle").flat
btndragdrop.font= dnfont
btndragdrop.text = getFilenameFile i
btndragdrop.textalign = (dotnetclass "System.Drawing.ContentAlignment").BottomCenter
btndragdrop.Image = dotNetObject "System.Drawing.Bitmap" i
dotNet.addEventHandler btndragdrop "click" Btn_Pressed
append dnobjarray btndragdrop
flp.controls.addrange dnobjarray
local dotForm = (dotNetObject "System.Windows.Forms.Form")
dotForm.Controls.addrange #(flp,leg)
--dotForm.Controls.add leg
dotForm.Text = " Picture Box Test 1"
dotForm.topmost = true
The dotNetBug is won again…:shrug:
I would NEVER let MAX kick my a$$!!!
I found how to fix this bug…
Doesn’t work:
try(destroydialog dlg) catch()
rollout dlg ""
dotNetControl flp "flowlayoutpanel" height:60
fn whenButtonClick s e = (format "\"%\" clicked
" s.text)
fn makeButtons = for k=1 to 2 collect
btn = dotnetobject "button"
btn.text = "Layout B" + (k as string)
dotNet.addEventHandler btn "click" whenButtonClick
on dlg open do
local buttons = makeButtons()
flp.controls.addrange buttons
createdialog dlg
try(destroydialog dlg) catch()
rollout dlg ""
dotNetControl flp "flowlayoutpanel" height:60
local buttons = #()
fn whenButtonClick s e = (format "\"%\" clicked
" s.text)
fn makeButtons = for k=1 to 2 collect
btn = dotnetobject "button"
btn.text = "Layout B" + (k as string)
dotNet.addEventHandler btn "click" whenButtonClick
on dlg open do
buttons = makeButtons()
flp.controls.addrange buttons
createdialog dlg
Find one difference
Actually this is not a bug at all. I understand now why it happens. (… and not with only Layout control).
Is it because the controls/eventhandlers are created and assigned in a global or local scope and then assigned to a dotnet control. The eventhandler stays in that scope but is not used and thus cleared whenever a gc occurs. So when the time comes to call the eventhandler it’s gone.
Something like that?
It seems no solution be found here
I will try to find some other way
but thanks guys anyway :wavey:
Maybe a bit late, but i saw you got the showproperties a tad wrong.
here is how to get the properties of various controls:
rollout tltest "XtraTreeList Test" width: 300 height: 200
dotNetControl tl "DevExpress.XtraTreeList.TreeList" width: 274 height: 180
fn ListProps ax p:true m:true e:true =
format "%: %
" ax (classof ax)
if p do try (format "PROPERTIES:
"; showProperties ax) catch (format "No Properties for %
" ax)
if m do try (format "METHODS:
"; showMethods ax) catch (format "No Methods for %
" ax)
if e do try (format "EVENTS:
"; showEvents ax) catch (format "No Events for %
" ax)
on tltest open do ListProps tl
createdialog tltest
now you get all the properties, methods and event hadlers.