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[Closed] DotNet Video Player?
May 15, 2008 12:05 pm
Has anyone created something like the old activeX video player in the max8 docs? I have something that syncs a frame seq to the timeline, but I would like to add the ability to shuttle videos.
3 Replies
May 15, 2008 12:05 pm
Take a look at my AVI player based on DirectX Managed :
May 15, 2008 12:05 pm
dotnet.loadAssembly "Microsoft.DirectX.AudioVideoPlayback.dll"
-- Runtime error: dotNet runtime exception: is not a valid Win32 application. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x800700C1)
Maybe it does not work on x64? Or is there something else I need?
1 Reply
Ah yes, it cannot work under a 64 bit Max because DirectX Managed is only 32… I have the same error at work. Its development has stopped after version 1.1.
Maybe XNA (64 bit version ?) is better but I don’t know if there’s media classes in it. I’ll look into that.