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[Closed] DotNet SharpSVN

Hey Guys,
I am kinda new to dotnet in max where I was working with sharpSvn lib to authenticate, checkout and update repo. I am succeeded in all those but I am unable to save the authentication. to save Auth credentials, i am trying like this which is throwing an error…

dllPath = @"C:\sharpSvnDll\"
dll = dotnet.loadAssembly (dllPath+"SharpSvn.dll")
mainDll = "SharpSvn"
client = dotnetObject (dotnetClass (mainDll+".svnClient"))

fn authenticate = 
	local userName = "userName"
	local pw = "Password"
	local handlers = (dotnetClass (mainDll+".Security.SvnUserNamePasswordEventArgs"))
	target = (dotnetClass (mainDll+".SvnTarget")).FromString dllPath
	handlers.UserName = userName
	handlers.Password = pw
	handlers.Save = True
	client.Authentication.SubversionWindowsUserNamePasswordHandler  = handlers


the error is:
– Error occurred in Authenticate(); filename: ; position: 435; line: 15
– Frame:
– handlers: dotNetClass:SharpSvn.Security.SvnUserNamePasswordEventArgs
– pw: “Password”
– username: “userName”
– Runtime error: dotNet runtime exception: Non-static method requires a target.

ANyHelp regarding it.? and one more thing is I need to get those log entries too mostly to a variable… Help would be very much appreciated. Thanks

9 Replies

question #1:
why is SharpSvn?

(you should understand that we have to install this library to our systems to be able to debug your script)

Coz I was having problems with commandline not installed on all the systems for tortoise svn… and I dont want to use commandline. I found sharpSvn useful while working for an other tool in c#

the error messages shown say that the problem is a wrong using of the library methods.
it’s not mxs issue

Hey, Denis. Thanks about that, but I wonder it is some thing to do with the syntax rather. Coz I had the same error throwing up for other functions too but later on with fixing syntax they worked fine. That is what I am confused about.But again as you said, I will check with loading up other dll s too. Any idea how to get logs from sharpSVN though as the authentication and stuff is working fine in other method.

	local handlers = (dotnetClass (mainDll+".Security.SvnUserNamePasswordEventArgs"))
	handlers.UserName = userName

likely you can get ‘handlers’ as a class… but you can’t set a property of a .net class. you have to have a class instance (object)

	local handlers = (dotnetobject (mainDll+".Security.SvnUserNamePasswordEventArgs"))
	handlers.UserName = userName

this might work. but anyway to make everything works i need to get the dll.

but i have no idea what this dll is about and why i have to mess around with it

Tried that… no luck We cant make it in to an object because those are collections. May be we have to create a collection object and assign it to that, but no idea how to do it especially in max. Will try doing it in that way anyways.

I just wanted to authenticate, checkout, get logs of a repo but dont want to use commandline arguments… SharpSvn is a very good library from collabnet and useful where you dont have to fiddle around with commandline and stuff. If you have any other option please let me know…