[Closed] DotNet Form on top of Maxscript rollout
Have you tried placing a dotNetControl “ContainerControl” in a rollout and then place dotNetObjects in the container? That is how I usually do it when I need that sort of hybrid UI.
Yes, Yes, Yes!
It works! I placed a ContainerControl into the rollout, and place the objects into the container, and the images are not flickering when grab them.
Thank you Paul. You saved my life.
Hi Paul!
I have another problem, I hope you can help me.
Now the dotnet objects don’t go behind the rollout. But when Max refreshes its user interface (open material editor, toggle ribbon toolbar, switch to modify panel, …) my dotnet objects disappear. But this happenes only when the toolbar docked.
Please download the script, run it, and open the material editor. You will see the dotnet object disappear. After that undock the dialogbar, and open the material editor again. You will see the dotnet object doesn’t disappear. So everytime when max refresh the user inerface, dotnet objects disappear in docked dialogbar. What’s wrong with it? What can I do? Please help me!
I don’t know is this wath you looking for