[Closed] Dot net control on CA modifier not working
er…but how am I going to pass arguments from the CA to the createwindow function to the new dummy rollout window?
Well, not very elegant, but unless you restructure your program somehow, this is the best idea I currently have:
rollout dummyRollout ""
local parameter
on dummyRollout open do
if parameter != undefined do createWindow parameter
destroyDialog dummyRollout
on yourCAButton pressed do
dummyRollout.parameter = 42
createDialog dummyRollout
all dotnet events don’t work in form run from a ca or a plugin placed in modifier panel.
the problem is that all initialization for all dotnet objects done at moment when ca or plugin is not active yet.
here is my solution:
global executeTimer =
timer = dotnetobject "Timer"
timer.interval = 10
fn executeJob s e =
s.tag.value[1] data:s.tag.value[2]
dotnet.addEventHandler timer "Tick" executeJob
custAttr = attributes custAttr
fn showDialog data:undefined =
form = dotnetobject "MaxCustomControls.Maxform"
form.StartPosition = form.StartPosition.Manual
form.Size = dotnetobject "System.Drawing.Size" 170 230
form.Location = dotnetobject "System.Drawing.Point" 1000 200
form.ShowIcon = form.ShowInTaskbar = form.MaximizeBox = form.MinimizeBox = off
form.Text = "CA Dialog"
form.tag = dotnetmxsvalue data
bt = dotnetobject "Button"
bt.Text = "Click Test"
bt.Height = 24
bt.Dock = bt.Dock.Top
fn onClick s e =
print "Click"
dotnet.addEventHandler bt "Click" onClick
form.controls.add bt
fn onShown s e =
print "Shown"
if s.tag.value != undefined do s.tag.value.params.bt.Enabled = off
dotnet.addEventHandler form "Shown" onShown
fn onClosed s e =
print "Closed"
if s.tag.value != undefined do s.tag.value.params.bt.Enabled = on
dotnet.addEventHandler form "Closed" onClosed
local dialog
parameters params
rollout params "Edit"
dotnetcontrol bt "Button" text:"Show Window" width:120 height:24 align:#center
on bt MouseClick s e do
showDialog data:this -- not events!!!
/* replace line above with two lines below to get events working */
--executeTimer.tag = dotnetmxsvalue #(showDialog, this)
on params open do
delete objects
b = box isselected:on
custattributes.add b custAttr baseobject:on
Thanks guys. (denis -wow) I had no idea it was such a complex issue. I might consider using msx approach.I thought dotnet made things simpler.
Io – I couldn’t get the parameter to attach to dummyrollout via the dummyrollout.parameter = 42 method…
sorry, my bad. This one works:
fn handlerFunction =
print "Mouse is down."
fn someFunction param =
local form = dotNetObject "Form"
form.width = form.height = param
dotnet.addEventHandler form "MouseDown" handlerFunction
rollout dummyRollout ""
local param
timer tim interval:5 active:on
on tim tick do if param != undefined do
destroyDialog dummyRollout
someFunction param
att = attributes "testAtt"
rollout attRol ""
button runFn "runFn"
on runFn pressed do
createDialog dummyRollout pos:[-2000,-2000]
dummyRollout.param = 400
myBox = box isSelected:on
custAttributes.add myBox att
thanks…the param tho…I was wanting to transfer specific morph targets…not form width …
edit///ok I get it…I’ll try with some real arguments…
yeep…thanks Io…now I’ve forgotton why I’m fighting the dot net thing…it’s faster, right? But speed isn’t the issue really…thnx again