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[Closed] Does this exist ? is it even possiable ?
Aug 30, 2005 12:12 pm
I am looking for 3 scripts:
an object oriented histoy. – is there any script out there that would record a specific object history ? would be VERY helpfull with poly modeling. every object you want with it’s own private history ! so you can go back at any time !
Would it be possiable to bind something to a camera view, so that when i change the camera from cam1 to Cam2 for example, some scene settings automaically change ?
I’ll try to explain, in architectural work, sometimes, the scene lights, UVW, Bump etc, changes when you change the camera view – even in the same ambient. would it be possiable to say something like
–natural language—
when i change camera
do = x = y = off
for each object or parameter that i want …
- i have posted it before here, with no answer, but the rotate clipping plane for cameras is really missing in max … anyone knows how to access this by max script ? is that possiable ??
if any of these scripts exist, post where and who
and if not, maybe the MaxScript challange guys could help ??