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[Closed] Disappearing Rollout
Oct 02, 2009 12:27 pm
I’m suffering from a rolloutfloater that disappears after a while.
Anyone know what’s going on ?
this is the script
macroScript SetActiveGrid
tooltip:"Set Active Grid"
try (destroyDialog SetActiveGrid) Catch ()
Rollout SetActiveGrid "Set Active Grid"
local gridHelpers = for i in objects where classOf i == grid collect i
local gridHelpersName = for i = 1 to gridHelpers.count collect gridHelpers[i].name
local appendTogridHelpersName = insertItem "Home Grid" gridHelpersName 1
listbox lb_grids "Available Grids:" items:gridHelpersName selection:0 height:gridHelpersName.count
button btn_update "update" width:100
on lb_grids selected item do
if item ==1 then
if activeGrid != undefined do activeGrid = undefined
for obj in objects do
if == lb_grids.selected do select obj
max activate grid object
deselect obj
on btn_update pressed do
destroyDialog SetActiveGrid
createDialog SetActiveGrid width:150 pos:[50,100]
createDialog SetActiveGrid width:150 pos:[50,100]
2 Replies
Oct 02, 2009 12:27 pm
Doesnt seem to be happening here. Max 2010 64bit – Windows Vista Ultimate 64bit.
But just a wild guess: have you tried changing the name of the floater and macroscript? Something like SetActiveGridEx?
Oct 02, 2009 12:27 pm
it doesn’t disappear right away, just after having it open for a while …
I’ll try the renaming part, perhaps there’s a conflicting issue with a maxglobal that closes something after a while :shrug:
any other takers that see something wrong ?