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[Closed] Directional soft selection

Has anyone attempted a soft selection along an edgeloop/edgering? i was just about to do some wrinkles and thought of how handy that would be. if nobody’s done it i’ll give it a shot.


3 Replies

since this has gotten no replies, i’ll clarify… basically, i want to do a soft selection along an edge loop… so given an edge, the falloff would follow along the direction of the edge, not perpendicular to it. doing it with an edge ring would make less sense really.

i seem to remember there being a “percentage selected” attribute for each vertex… but is that just a get and not a set? bobo?

Unfortunately you can’t explicitly set a vert’s soft select weight. What kind of use were you thinking of for this? Maybe you could create a mousetool for it, and only manipulate the verts that lie on the edgeloop while using their soft select values.


What I want to see implemented in soft selections <and every other tool> is more viewport interactivity.

You should be able to make all adjustments to a soft selection in the viewport without going into a rollout. For that matter I’d love to have some input where the wire manipulators end up. Viewport sliders are ok but it would be nice to be able to stick them in a floater or rollout. Bobo’s Supermanipulators were a step in the right direction. Discreet needs to add more manipulator options to all gizmos and tools.

In softselection one should be able to adjust pinch, bubble and falloff with a manipulator. A softselect bias handle should be added so that a soft select could be made to fall on one side of an edge or other subobject with different types of falloff patterns being possible <conical, spherical, linear gradiant, etc>.

With transforms they should have something that combines translate, scale, and rotation in one gizmo like Bobo’s bevelman but with a little more elegant solution visually.

I think that for some people being able to do more in the viewport with fewer clicks and less searching would speed up workflow. This is one of the reasons Maya is such an effective production tool. Alias spent some time tooling the interface to accomodate more viewport interaction.

I’ve been writing my wishes in a notebook, maybe I should just post it all in the discreet wishlist before it’s too late to add to 7.