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[Closed] Dialogbar UI not accessable

Hi there, I am working on a script that scans a folder for maxscripts and puts them all into a dropdownlist. The selected script can then be launched with pressing the run button.

This works perfect so far. But i wanted to put the dialog as a dockable dialogbar to stay permanent. I figured that out as well, but my problem is now that i cannot access the dropdownlist anymore.

Events like “on dropdownlist selected x do” dont work anymore.
How can i access the selected Value?


try (cui.UnRegisterDialogBar Toolbar) catch()
if Toolbar != undefined do destroyDialog Toolbar

MyPath = @"\\Pathtoscripts\"

fn ScanforScripts =
	Scripts = getfiles (MyPath+"*.ms")
	for a=1 to Scripts.count do
		Scripts[a] = getFilenameFile Scripts[a]
	print scripts


rollout Toolbar "Toolbar"
	dropdownlist Scriptlist items:Scripts width:120 pos:[4,4]
	Button Run "Run" pos:[128,4]
	Button Scan "Scan" pos:[168,4]
	on Scriptlist selected x do
		print Scriptlist.selected
	on Run pressed do
		Filetorun = (MyPath+Toolbar.Scriptlist.selected+".ms")
		Filein Filetorun
	on Scan pressed do
		Scriptlist.items = Scripts

createdialog Toolbar width:220 style:#(#style_toolwindow,#style_sysmenu)
cui.RegisterDialogBar Toolbar

If i disable the last line, everything works fine, but obviously it’s not a dialogbar anymore. Can someone help me out?
Apologies for my bad english…

3 Replies

i had the same problem with dropdownlist in rollout that is docked and max2014. When the rollout is not docked the ddl works, but when you dosk it – ddl becomes usless.
In max2013 the docked rollout with ddl in it works properly.

I remember someone reported a bug about that ( i think Martin Breidt )
Please report this issue too to get it fixed

Well, that’s bad news.

Anyway thank you guys, i’ll report the bug then as well.