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[Closed] Dialog to Pick Multiple .max Files

I have a script that needs to allow the user to select multiple .max files from some kind of dialog. The standard open and save dialogs only let you pick one file. I could force the user to put all the files in a folder but I’d rather not. I can’t use wildcard names because the filenames can be very different.

I could write this sort of pick dialog, but of course it would be much easier if there was a shortcut. Lots of pick dialogs in MXS have a count:#multiple option, but not the file loading dialogs. Is there an easy way to fake this?


  • Michele
4 Replies

Hi Michele,

Considering getOpenFilename dialog returns the value directly rather than an array, I think it’s safe to say it doesn’t have multiple option. However you could still do this in 2 ways:

  1. Using a TreeView ActiveX (probably with CheckBoxes property set to true)
  2. Using the OpenFileDialog control of .NET


Thanks. It looks like TreeView ActiveX will do the trick. I’ll have to populate the dialog manually, oh well.

  • Michele

Hey Michele,

If you want, you can download Supra [from Light > Production Tools], as it already has a method to populate a TreeView ActiveX with recursive folders and also sorts them by name. You only have to change the file format from “.ms” to “.*”.


Thanks, that’s a nice script to refer to. I decided in the end to just go with single file selection for the time being.

  • Michele