[Closed] Detach polygon
Hey guys,
a total maxscript newbie here.
I have a problem which I am sure is dirt simple, but I can’t seem to figure it out.
I am trying to write a simple script that would make some basic windows for objects, basedon an edit poly object – basically I want to define the dimensions of the windows with a single edit poly face for a single window, and then have the script do the basic frames and windows.
I got stuck, ironically, at detaching all of the selected faces into a new object.
Here is what I have come up with so far:
[quote=] Obj = $ –Variable no.1
Obj.name = “Window_Object” –Renames the object
addmodifier _Windows (Edit_Poly ()) –Add Edit Poly modifier
convertTo _Windows PolyMeshObject –Colalpse to edit poly modifier
subobjectLevel = 4 –Goes into Polygon selection
actionMan.executeAction 0 “40021” –Selects ALL polygons
–Inset outer edge
macros.run “Ribbon – Modeling” “EPoly_InsetOptions”
Obj.insetAmount = 6
Obj.EditablePoly.buttonOp #Inset
subobjectLevel = 0
–Detach object inner faces
subobjectLevel = 4
I have trouble with the last command, that basically sais it wants an argument. I have no idea what I am supposed to write in there. I tried doing it manually with the macro recorder, but the
$.EditablePoly.detachToElement #Face keepOriginal:off
$Object001.name = “Window_inner_object”
command only detaches the polygons to an element, even though had the “detach to element” turned off.
Basically, I am certain that the solution is really simple, but I could not figure this out, find it in the help file or google it out.
Any help would be much appreciated.
Thank you!
selObj = selection[1]
selObj.name = "Window_Object"
convertToPoly selObj
max modify mode
subobjectLevel = 4
max select all
selObj.insetAmount = 6
selObj.insetType = 0
selObj.EditablePoly.buttonOp #Inset
polyop.detachFaces selObj (polyop.getFaceSelection selObj) delete:true asNode:true name:"Object01" node:selObj