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[Closed] Deadline delete Tile Script

I would post this on the frantic forums… but they won’t let anyone log in.

I inserted the following code after deadline logs a tile assembly.

How hard would it be to add a checkbox to the submit to deadline script that would pass along a variable designating whether or not it’s supposed to delete all tiles on completion?

 if result == 0 do
  for f in (getfiles ((getfilenamepath outputpath) + "*.*")) do 
   if (matchpattern (filenamefrompath f) pattern:((getfilenamefile rendOutputFilename)+"_TILE_*x*_*x*_"+(getZeros DeadlineUtil.currentFrame)+(getfilenametype rendoutputfilename))) do 
	deletefile f

2 Replies

What problems do you have logging in?
We switched to phpBB3 last week and transfered all logins to the new forums, plus creating a new account is really easy (or at least should be). What exactly is broken?

The new address is

The old address should show a page with link to the new one.

Regarding the script – we decided that keeping the tiles around is a sane thing to do, because you have the option to resubmit and rerender just some tiles later and the final image would be assembled again without rendering the rest. But then again we have terabytes of disk space and can afford to keep junk around

Adding an option would be easy, and we will probably consider this for the next version…

It’s less a space question than a sorting question.

Having 8 extra images in the folder makes it very difficult to quickly scroll through and find the ‘real’ image.

It would be great if in the next version it could still re-render tiles and just composite it over. (Removing the frame padding/overlap of course. :)) and maybe in addition to deleting tiles you could choose to put all the tiles in a subfolder called “Tiles”.