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[Closed] DataGridView keyDown


I’m using “” and I want to have an event fired when a key is pressed. The enter key is more specific, how ever on keyDown, keyUp or keyPress don’t appear to be doing anything at all.

Any suggestions?

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Do you want to handle key events when a cell in edit mode?


Well right now the only way I can get it to work is when I leave a cell. This has to be done with arrow keys or with the mouse. What I would like is for enter to force an event on the cel just as it would with and editText box or spinner. Doesn’t feel natural that enter doesn’t do this already.


So is there really no way to get this to work?

Don’t know if this will help, but some controls have an ‘acceptsReturn’ property that needs to be set to True before the enter key will be recognized.


Thanks but it isn’t there. I gather from what I have found in google I’m not the only one. Looks like it is a pain to do.

From what I understand I need to use the keydown event that is on the EditingControlShowing event. I don’t have a clue how to go about that.

Like I need to call and event that calls an event. Any one?

Here is an explanation from the developer. I don’t have a clue what it means.

don’t read any BSHT

everything is easy:

use EditingControlShowing event to get cell control

fn keyDown s e = 
  format "key down: %
" e
fn keyUp s e = 
  format "key up: %
" e
on gridView EditingControlShowing s e do 
  cc = e.Control 
  cc.AcceptsReturn = on -- if you want to catch "Enter"
  dotNet.addEventHandler cc "KeyDown" keyDown
  dotNet.addEventHandler cc "KeyUp" keyUP 


I’ll try not to, how ever you code isn’t working either. Maybe this has something to do with it being in a scripted geometry plugin. I already tried what you have and played with making the function global as I remember some one talking about similar issues with event handlers.

I will try and whip up some sample code in a bit.


Here it is as a modifier as that was easier to set up

plugin modifier AAA
	classId:#(0x105358d1, 0x3490f0cb)
	fn initDGV dgv columnAr:#()=
		for i = 1 to columnAr.count do
	fn keyDown senderArg arg=
		format "KeyDown: %
" arg
	rollout testR "Test"
		dotNetControl dgv "" height:100
		on dgv EditingControlShowing senderArg arg do
			dotNet.addEventHandler arg.control "KeyDown" keyDown
		on testR open do
			initDGV dgv columnAr:#("Test1")

it has to work…

try(destroydialog gvRol) catch()
rollout gvRol "by denisT"
 dotNetControl gv "System.Windows.Forms.DataGridView" pos:[1,0] width:250 height:100
 on gvRol open do 
  labels = #("", "")
  gv.ColumnCount = labels.count
  for i=1 to labels.count do gv.Columns.item[i-1].name = labels[i]
  gv.rows.add #((dotNetObject "System.String" "some"), (dotNetObject "System.String" "thing"))
 on gv keyup s e do (format "grid key down: %
" e)
 on gv keydown s e do (format "grid key up: %
" e)
 fn keyDown s e = (format "text key down: %
" e)
 fn keyUp s e = (format "text key up: %
" e)
 on gv EditingControlShowing s e do 
  e.Control.AcceptsReturn = on
  dotNet.addEventHandler e.Control "KeyDown" keyDown
  dotNet.addEventHandler e.Control "KeyUp" keyUp
createDialog gvRol width:250 height:100 

hmm… it doesn’t work inside rollout… inside mod panel…

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