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[Closed] DISPLAY WRONG:N-sides faces with xView
Dec 06, 2013 10:46 am
I want to display the faces which using more then 4 edges with xView,and here’s the script.
It works fine when I select only one object,but while I select more objects,it displays wrong.
global NsideFaceChecker
struct NsideFaceCheckerStruct
NsideFaceThresholdMin = 4,
fn geomCheck theTime theNode theResults =
if classof theNode == Editable_Poly then
for f = 1 to getNumFaces theNode do
num=polyOp.getFaceDeg theNode f
if num > NsideFaceChecker.NsideFaceThresholdMin do append theResults f
temp = convertTo (snapshot theNode) editable_poly
for f =1 to getNumFaces temp do
num = polyOp.getFaceDeg temp f
if num > NsideFaceChecker.NsideFaceThresholdMin then
--append theResults f
for t=1 to num-2 do append theResults (t+i)
i += num-2
--print i
delete temp
fn supportedCheck theNode =
classof theNode == Editable_Mesh or classof theNode == Editable_Poly
)--end struct
NsideFaceChecker = NsideFaceCheckerStruct()
XViewChecker.unRegisterChecker "Nside Face Checker"
XViewChecker.registerChecker NsideFaceChecker.geomCheck NsideFaceChecker.supportedCheck #Faces "Nside Face Checker" undefined undefined undefined
)--end script
Does somebody know what wrong with the code?