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[Closed] Custom gizmo?

How can I create custom gizmo or geometry within my script? I am creating an explosion toolset and I want my bomb gizmo to be created from spline…

25 Replies

Hi Loran, take look at scripted manipulators, they provide drawing functions and mouse interaction checking to create custom gizmos.

  • Enrico
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and i also suggest you to watch Bobo´s MasterClass The Secret World of Scripted Manipulators. You´re going to find a lot of usefull tips, specially in the chapter 06.

i cleaned up your code a little bit:

  fn create_sphereGizmo thePrefix:"kaboom_" theName:"bomb" Rad:15 Colour:blue thePos:[0,-2.5,0] =
  		c1= circle radius:Rad wirecolor:Colour name:(thePrefix + theName)
  		c2 = copy c1 radius:Rad wirecolor:Colour
  			c2.objectOffsetRot = eulerAngles 90 0 0
  		c3 = copy c1 radius:Rad wirecolor:Colour
  			c3.objectOffsetRot = eulerAngles 0 90 0
  		c4 = circle radius:(Rad-2) wirecolor:Colour
  		t1=text size:(Rad-4) text:theName pos:thePos
  		converttosplineshape #(c1,c2,c3,c4,t1)
  		addAndWeld c1 t1 0
  			addAndWeld c1 c2 0
  			addAndWeld c1 c3 0
  			addAndWeld c1 c4 0

hope it helps


Or use a plugin helper class and build it in there. I have an example of one on my site and there is lots in the help file about it.

I am curently using a SphereGizmo and I want to have a specific design, I don’t like manipulators. I want all to be in the script, no plug ins or something else to install

You can actually include a SimpleManipulator in a standard MacroScript, like a Rollout or a Structure, nothing more to add to a single scripted file, and really versatile. You can have a look at standard code for a sample:


  • Enrico

Got it! I just spy how Paul Neal did is custom helpers
By the way, is there a best way to do that?

rad = 15
c1=circle radius:rad
c2=circle radius:rad
c2.rotation = eulerangles 90 0 0
c3=circle radius:rad
c3.rotation = eulerangles 0 90 0
c4=circle radius:17
–t1.rotation = eulerangles -90 0 0
t1.size= rad-4
t1.pos = [0,-2.5,0]
converttosplineshape c1
converttosplineshape c2
converttosplineshape c3
converttosplineshape c4
converttosplineshape t1
addAndWeld c1 t1 0
addAndWeld c1 c2 0
addAndWeld c1 c3 0
addAndWeld c1 c4 0“kaboom-BOMB”
c1.wireColor = [255,100,200]


Well if what you want is a spline based control that works just fine. You can also build the splines vert by vert which is the other way that I do it in some of those spline controls.


“MasterClass The Secret World of Scripted Manipulators DVD”

Where would one find this?

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Joined: 11 months ago

Posts: 0

Subscription center, under Training > 3ds Max Training Videos (English) > Scripting and API

I went today to check it out and it turned out to be quite entertaining

 plugin simpleManipulator kaboom_Boom
 	classID:#(0x662c3c16, 0x77a572f7)
 	local blueColor		=	 blue/255.0
 	local orangeColor		=	 orange/255.0
 	local whiteColor		 = white/255.0
 	local Pos				 = [0,0,0]
 	local Seg = 8
 	local Rad = 15
 	parameters main rollout:paramRollout
 		txt		type:#string		ui:ed_text		default:"BOOM"
 	rollout paramRollout "Parameters"
 		edittext		 ed_text		 "Txt: "			fieldWidth:140 align:#center labelOnTop:true
 	tool create
 		on mousePoint click do
 		   case click of
 				theTM = matrix3 1
 				theTM.row4 = gridPoint
 				nodeTM = theTM
 			  ) -- 1
 			  ) -- 2
 		   ) -- end case
 	on canManipulate target return ( findItem(getPropNames target) #txt ) !=0
 	on updateGizmos do
 		local flags = 0
 		if (target != undefined)
 				this.txt = target.txt
 			--GIZMO 1
 			local c1 = (manip.makeCircle Pos Rad Seg)
 			this.addGizmoShape c1 flags blueColor orangeColor
 			--GIZMO 2
 			local theTXT = filterString txt "
" splitEmptyTokens:true
 				for i = 1 to (theTXT.count) do
 					this.addGizmoText theTXT[i] Pos flags whiteColor orangeColor
 		return ( findItem(getPropNames this) #txt ) !=0

evalute and go to create tab> helpers> manipulators> kaboom_Boom

   i liked it a lot Bobo, it´s very interesting !! ;)
   just one question:
   why max loses my custom scripted manipulators when save/open scenes ?? what do i have to do to keep it working ?

it´s independent, it doesn´t need scene nodes and can be created by itself…

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