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[Closed] Custom Shader


Is there any way set in standard material a texture from VFB

mat = standard name:"vfb_test001"
obj.material = mat
vfb_bmp = bitmap 1024 1024
obj.material.diffusemap.bitmap = vfb_bmp

not works:-)

making a new shader with this posibility?

I found some basic in MaxScript Reference:

plugin material MyMaterial

classID:#(0x69fedc0d, 0x7c79a4d2)
extends:Standard replaceUI:true 
	parameters hardwareShaders rollout:shaderRoll

	rollout shaderRoll "Hardware Shaders" width:328 height:189
		label l1 "AA"
	on create do format "created: %
" this
	on clone orig do format "cloned: % : % : % : %
" this orig
	(this == orig) (delegate == orig.delegate)
b=copy a

or here:

Thanks for reply using : 3Ds Max 9

6 Replies

…maybe a example can explain better what I’m’ trying to do ?

plugin material MyMaterial
	classID:#(0x69fedc0d, 0x7c79a4d2)
	extends:Standard replaceUI:true version:1
	parameters main rollout:params
		trans type:#float default:27 ui:trans
		two type:#boolean default:false ui:two
		col type:#color default:blue ui:col
		--How can be put a bitmap from memory (not from disc) here ? 
		--dim type:#bitmap default:(bitmap 10 10 color:green) ui:dim --nop :-P 
		dim type:#textureMap ui:dim

		on trans set val do delegate.opacity = val
		on two set val do delegate.twoSided = val
		on col set val do delegate.diffuse_color = val
	rollout params "Glass Parameters"
		spinner trans "Transparency: " fieldwidth:45 offset:[-90,0]
		checkbox two "Twosided: " align:#center offset:[-90,0]
		colorpicker col "Base color: " align:#center offset:[-90,0]
		mapButton dim "Bitmap" align:#center offset:[-90,0]
	on create do 
		delegate.opacityFalloff = 75-- setup initial material
		format "created: %
" this
	on clone orig do format "cloned: % : % : % : %
" this orig (this == orig) (delegate == orig.delegate)
b=copy a

:wise: ok I give up… mission impossible :argh:

Bitmaptexture Bitmap:(bitmap 10 10)
-- Runtime error: Assignment failed, the bitmap should be saved first, BitMap:

mat = standard diffusemap:(Bitmaptexture bitmap:(bitmap 10 10 color:blue))
-- Error occurred in anonymous codeblock
--  Frame:
-- Runtime error: Assignment failed, the bitmap should be saved first, BitMap:

mat = standard diffusemap:(Bitmaptexture default:(bitmap 10 10 color:blue))
$.material = mat
--pased but do nothing

you can’t use not saved bitmap, but you can use MIX – TextureMap for example. The same effect with only one color used. What’s the difference?

1 Reply
Joined: 11 months ago

Posts: 0

Hi Denis

It was only a try to make a realtime 3D painter for max9 .
But sems is imposible to display diffuse texture on model during drawing without save it first.
I have textures 2048×2048, and sawing for every stroke it was to slow :hmm:

thanks for you reply Man

Bobo, has an example of doing a 3d painting (with 2d view) in the maxscript help “How To … Develop a Bitmap Painting Tool in Nine Easy Steps” (was actually added in the 3ds Max 9 Maxscript help). All options that I know of save content to disc when changed. You could use a temporary location and file (this is the same method Bobo uses in the Maxscript Help example), prior to having the user create or save the actual file. Your speed issues may be caused by the format and/or compression of the format. It may be good to test for the best format and format options if speed is your primary concern.


1 Reply
Joined: 11 months ago

Posts: 0

Hi Enrico, thanks for your help. I tried different formats , but nothing changed. It is to slow

Here is modified script from max help.


	global MicroPaint_CanvasRollout
	try(destroyDialog MicroPaint_CanvasRollout)catch()

	local isErasing = isDrawing = false
	local bitmapX = bitmapY = 512
	local bitmapx_1 = bitmapx-1
	local bitmapy_1 = bitmapy-1
	local temp_bitmap_filename = (getDir #preview +"/microPaint_temp.tga")
	local orig_bitmap_filename = ""
	local theCanvasBitmap = bitmap bitmapX bitmapY color:white filename:temp_bitmap_filename
	local theBackgroundBitmap = bitmap bitmapX bitmapY color:white
	local currentPos = lastPos = [0,0]
	local theChannel = 1
	local theObj = undefined
	local bary = [0,0,0]
	local faceIndex = 1

	rcMenu CanvasMenu 
		subMenu "File"
			menuItem new_menu "New"
			menuItem open_menu "Open..."
			menuItem save_as "Save As..."
			separator file_menu_1
			menuItem quit_tool "Quit"  
		subMenu "Edit" 
			menuItem commit_menu "Commit Changes"
			separator edit_menu_1
			menuItem uv_menu "Get UV Coordinates..."
			menuItem paint3d_menu "Toggle 3D Painting..."
		on commit_menu picked do copy theCanvasBitmap theBackgroundBitmap
		on uv_menu picked do MicroPaint_CanvasRollout.unwrapTexture()
		on paint3d_menu picked do MicroPaint_CanvasRollout.startPainting3D()
		subMenu "Help" 
			menuItem about_tool "About MicroPaint..." 
		on new_menu picked do 
			theBackgroundBitmap = theCanvasBitmap = bitmap bitmapX bitmapY color:MicroPaint_CanvasRollout.paperColor.color filename:temp_bitmap_filename
			MicroPaint_CanvasRollout.theCanvas.bitmap = theCanvasBitmap 
		on open_menu picked do 
			theOpenBitmap= selectBitmap()
			if theOpenBitmap != undefined do
				copy theOpenBitmap theCanvasBitmap
				copy theOpenBitmap theBackgroundBitmap 
				close theOpenBitmap
				MicroPaint_CanvasRollout.theCanvas.bitmap = theCanvasBitmap 
		on save_as picked do
			theSaveName = getSaveFileName types:"BMP (*.bmp)|*.bmp|Targa (*.tga)|*.tga|JPEG (*.jpg)|*.jpg"
			if theSaveName != undefined do
				theCanvasBitmap.filename = theSaveName
				save theCanvasBitmap
				theCanvasBitmap.filename = temp_bitmap_filename
		on about_tool picked do messagebox "MicroPaint
MAXScript Tutorial" title:"About..."
		on quit_tool picked do destroyDialog MicroPaint_CanvasRollout
	fn mesh_filter obj = superclassof obj == GeometryClass and classof obj != TargetObject
	rollout MicroPaint_CanvasRollout "MicroPaint"
		bitmap theCanvas "" pos:[0,0] width:512 height:512 bitmap:theCanvasBitmap
		label lbl4 "Set Color:" pos:[4,518] width:52 height:16
		colorPicker inkColor "" pos:[60,518] width:22 height:16 color:(color 0 0 0) modal:false across:6
		colorPicker paperColor "" pos:[82,518] width:22 height:16 color:(color 255 255 255) modal:false
		checkbutton autosave "AutoSave" pos:[444,516] width:70 height:21 highlightColor:(color 255 200 200)
		checkbutton airBrush "AirBrush" pos:[516,376] width:92 height:21 highlightColor:(color 200 255 200)
		spinner AirBrushSpeed "Speed" pos:[528,428] width:73 height:16 range:[0.1,50,10] fieldwidth:30
		spinner BrushSize "Size" pos:[528,408] width:72 height:16 range:[1,50,1] type:#integer fieldwidth:40
		listbox BrushShape "" pos:[516,236] width:90 height:10 items:#("Circle", "Box", "Circle Smooth")
		pickbutton pickMesh "Pick Mesh" pos:[516,452] width:94 height:30 highlightcolor:(color 200 200 255) pos:[bitmapX+5,140] filter:mesh_filter autodisplay:true
		checkbutton paint3D "3D PAINT" pos:[516,488] width:92 height:50 highlightcolor:(color 200 200 255) pos:[bitmapX+5,180]
		listbox lbx_layers "" pos:[516,24] width:90 height:12 items:#("Layer01", "Background")
		label lbl2 "Brushes:" pos:[516,216] width:88 height:16
		label lbl3 "Layers:" pos:[516,4] width:88 height:16
		button ckb_add_layer "+" pos:[516,188] width:36 height:21 highlightColor:(color 200 255 200)
		button ckb_del_layer "-" pos:[572,188] width:36 height:21 highlightColor:(color 200 255 200)
		bitmap theCanvas pos:[0,0] width:bitmapX height:bitmapY bitmap:theCanvasBitmap
		colorpicker inkColor height:16 modal:false color:black across:6
		colorpicker paperColor height:16 modal:false color:white
		checkbutton autoSave "AutoSave" width:70 offset:[0,-3] highlightcolor:(color 255 200 200)
		checkbutton airBrush "AirBrush" width:70 offset:[0,-3] highlightcolor:(color 200 255 200)
		spinner AirBrushSpeed "Speed" range:[0.1,50,10] fieldwidth:30
		spinner BrushSize "Size" range:[1,50,1] type:#integer fieldwidth:40
		listbox BrushShape items:#("Circle", "Box", "Circle Smooth") pos:[bitmapX+5,0] width:90
		on pickMesh picked obj do 
			if obj != undefined do 
				theObj = Obj
					case (classOf theObj.material) of
							orig_bitmap_filename = theObj.material.diffusemap.bitmap.filename
							--copyFile orig_bitmap_filename temp_bitmap_filename
							theObj.material.diffusemap.bitmap = openBitmap temp_bitmap_filename
							copy theObj.material.diffusemap.bitmap theCanvasBitmap
							copy theObj.material.diffusemap.bitmap theBackgroundBitmap 
							orig_bitmap_filename = theObj.material[1].diffusemap.bitmap.filename
							theObj.material[1].diffusemap.bitmap = temp_bitmap_filename
							copy theObj.material[1].diffusemap.bitmap theCanvasBitmap
							copy theObj.material[1].diffusemap.bitmap theBackgroundBitmap 
					theCanvas.bitmap = theCanvasBitmap 

		fn paintBrush pos =
			if isErasing then 
			thePaintColor = (getPixels theBackgroundBitmap pos 1)[1]
			thePaintColor = inkColor.color
			if thePaintColor == undefined then thePaintColor = white
			case BrushShape.selection of
					if distance pos currentPos <= BrushSize.value/2 do
					setPixels theCanvasBitmap pos #(thePaintColor)
				2: setPixels theCanvasBitmap pos #(thePaintColor)
					theFactor = (distance pos currentPos) / (BrushSize.value/2.0)
					if theFactor <= 1.0 do
						theFactor = sin ( 90.0 * theFactor)
						thePixels = getPixels theCanvasBitmap pos 1
						if thePixels[1] != undefined do
							thePixels[1] = (thePixels[1] * theFactor) + (thePaintColor * (1.0 - theFactor))
							setPixels theCanvasBitmap pos thePixels
				)--end case 3
			)--end case
		)--end fn

		fn drawStroke lastPos pos drawIt: =
			currentPos = lastPos
			deltaX = pos.x - lastPos.x
			deltaY = pos.y - lastPos.y
			maxSteps = amax #(abs(deltaX),abs(deltaY))
			deltaStepX = deltaX / maxSteps 
			deltaStepY = deltaY / maxSteps 
			for i = 0 to maxSteps do
				if airBrush.checked then
				for b = 1 to (BrushSize.value / AirBrushSpeed.value) do
				paintBrush (currentPos + (random [-BrushSize.value/2,-BrushSize.value/2] [BrushSize.value/2,BrushSize.value/2] ))
				for b = -BrushSize.value/2 to BrushSize.value/2 do
				for c = -BrushSize.value/2 to BrushSize.value/2 do
				paintBrush (currentPos + [c,b]) 
				currentPos += [deltaStepX, deltaStepY]
			if drawIt== true or drawIt == unsupplied do theCanvas.bitmap = theCanvasBitmap 
		fn unwrapTexture =
			if theObj != undefined then
				theMesh = snapshotAsMesh theObj
				if meshop.getMapSupport theMesh theChannel do
					faceCount = meshop.getNumMapFaces theMesh theChannel 
					for f = 1 to faceCount do
						theFace = meshop.getMapFace theMesh theChannel f
						vert1= meshop.getMapVert theMesh theChannel theFace.x
						vert2= meshop.getMapVert theMesh theChannel theFace.y
						vert3= meshop.getMapVert theMesh theChannel theFace.z
						drawStroke [vert1.x * bitmapx_1, bitmapy_1 - vert1.y * bitmapy_1] [vert2.x * bitmapx_1, bitmapy_1 - vert2.y * bitmapy_1] drawIt:false
						drawStroke [vert1.x * bitmapx_1, bitmapy_1 - vert1.y * bitmapy_1] [vert3.x * bitmapx_1, bitmapy_1 - vert3.y * bitmapy_1] drawIt:false
						drawStroke [vert3.x * bitmapx_1, bitmapy_1 - vert3.y * bitmapy_1] [vert2.x * bitmapx_1, bitmapy_1 - vert2.y * bitmapy_1] drawIt:false
				theCanvas.bitmap = theCanvasBitmap 
				save theCanvasBitmap 
				if theObj.material == undefined do theObj.material = Standard()
				if theObj.material.diffusemap == undefined do
				theObj.material.diffusemap = bitmapTexture filename:temp_bitmap_filename 
				showTextureMap theObj.material true
				autoSave.checked = true
		fn StartStroke = ( thePainterInterface.undoStart() )
		fn PaintStroke = 
			theMesh = theObj.mesh
			thePainterInterface.getHitFaceData &bary &faceIndex theObj 0
			theFace = meshop.getMapFace theMesh theChannel faceIndex
			vert1= meshop.getMapVert theMesh theChannel theFace.x
			vert2= meshop.getMapVert theMesh theChannel theFace.y
			vert3= meshop.getMapVert theMesh theChannel theFace.z
			thePoint = bary.x*vert1 + bary.y*vert2 + bary.z*vert3
			drawStroke [thePoint.x * bitmapx_1, bitmapy_1 - thePoint.y * bitmapy_1] [thePoint.x * bitmapx_1, bitmapy_1 - thePoint.y * bitmapy_1] 
		fn EndStroke = 
			if autoSave.checked do 
				print theCanvasBitmap
				save theCanvasBitmap 
				try(theObj.material.diffsemap.bitmap = theCanvasBitmap)catch()
		fn CancelStroke = (thePainterInterface.undoCancel())
		fn SystemEndPaintSession = ( paint3D.checked = false ) 
		fn startPainting3D =
			if thePainterInterface.InPaintMode() or theObj == undefined then 
				paint3D.checked = false
				--return back orig material
				case (classOf theObj.material) of
					Standard:theObj.material.diffusemap.bitmap = openBitmap orig_bitmap_filename
					Multimaterial:theObj.material[1].diffusemap.bitmap = openBitmap orig_bitmap_filename
				paint3D.checked = true
				thePainterInterface.pointGatherEnable = TRUE
				thePainterInterface.initializeNodes 0 #(theObj)
				thePainterInterface.offMeshHitType = 2
				thePainterInterface.ScriptFunctions startStroke paintStroke endStroke cancelStroke SystemEndPaintSession 
		on paint3D changed state do startPainting3D() 
		on MicroPaint_CanvasRollout lbuttondown pos do
			lastPos = pos
			isDrawing = true
			isErasing = false
			drawStroke lastPos pos
		on MicroPaint_CanvasRollout rbuttondown pos do
			lastPos = pos
			isErasing = isDrawing = true
			drawStroke lastPos pos
		on MicroPaint_CanvasRollout lbuttonup pos do 
			isErasing = isDrawing = false
			if autoSave.checked do save theCanvasBitmap 
		on MicroPaint_CanvasRollout rbuttonup pos do 
			isErasing = isDrawing = false
			if autoSave.checked do save theCanvasBitmap 
		on autoSave changed state do if state do save theCanvasBitmap 
		on MicroPaint_CanvasRollout mousemove pos do
			if isDrawing do drawStroke lastPos pos
			lastPos = pos
	createDialog MicroPaint_CanvasRollout (bitmapx+100) (bitmapy+30) menu:CanvasMenu 
	MicroPaint_CanvasRollout.theCanvas.bitmap = theBackgroundBitmap 

maybe doing something wrong… :arteest: