[Closed] Custom Procedural Primitives (with example)
vusta: Considering I’ve already have gotten helpful answers I think most people got that I meant Max Creation Graph (MCG). And as you can see, MCG doesn’t stand for one thing
Klvnk: Thank you, I’ll check that out
I’m starting to understand that there’s different ways of creating a scripted geometry plugin. One way is to specify every vertex positions, and then create faces matching the vertex positions you have. This is the way I’m currently trying to figure out.
The other method seems to be that you actually create max objects (like a box), and then position them in relation to each other. They should still behave in a way that lets you parametrize them (as these elements are within the plugin).
But, as Klvnk said, it can some times be easier creating the mesh from scratch than trying to edit existing meshes because you risk loosing control trying to keep track of everything.
I really appreciate your help, and I’m sorry for not just getting it, I’m obviously a slow one. So I’ve basicly ripped Vojtěch’s star-plugin into pieces (really hope you don’t mind), and restructured everything to make it easier for me to understand.
I’ve realised that the thing I really don’t understand is how you know how to create the faceList, I seriously don’t get it! So Vojtěch, could you be bothered to have a look at a new pastebin? I’ve tried to comment in my questions as detailed as I could: https://pastebin.com/hhXnbtJx
I promise I’ll stop bothering you if you answer, and I’m still lost
Sure, that’s the intent. As I said before, best would be if you added edit mesh modifier on top and went through selecting vertices one by one and see how they create faces. The three corners of the face are the indices of the verts (pretty much indices to the array of the positions at this point). The indexing depends entirely on how you create those and in which order. I go two center points first, radius points two at a time. Connecting those to faces is then simple since all the top faces connect to top vert, all the bottom ones to bottom vert – that’s the 1 and 2. You only have to figure the other two indices now – best when you draw it (for a 3-point star, it’s just a few points and lines). Another thing to keep in mind is the order of the face verts. CCW will be facig you, CW will be facing away. You can see that one sequence goes 3,4 4,5 5,6 6,7 and the other 4,3 5,4 6,4 7,6 because of that:
#([1,4,3], [1,5,4], [1,6,5], [1,7,6], [1,8,7], [1,9,8], [1,10,9], [1,11,10], [1,12,11], [1,13,12], [1,14,13], [1,3,14])
#([2,3,4], [2,4,5], [2,5,6], [2,6,7], [2,7,8], [2,8,9], [2,9,10], [2,10,11], [2,11,12], [2,12,13], [2,13,14], [2,14,3])
Aaaaah, I finally get it (I wouldn’t admit it if I didn’t, but I actually did get it now) ! Thank you sensei, really!
vusta: Considering I’ve already have gotten helpful answers I think most people got that I meant Max Creation Graph (MCG)2. And as you can see, MCG doesn’t stand for one thing
Yes MCG (in Autodesk app speak) does stand for one thing…Max Creation Graph not Maya as you incorrectly stated in your original post that you’ve edited after I pointed it out for you. Anyway, if you already knew that then, ok my bad…
I’m not sure if you trolled me the first time, or if you’re just trolling me now?
I did initially write Maya Creation Graph in my first post, you then pointed it out to me that I had actually written Maya (instead of Max). I thought, this guy doesn’t miss a beat, so I’m sure he’s aware that this was posted in the 3dsMax section, and had actually read that all responses (including mine) was Max-related – so how could it be?
The irony, I got help understanding my original questions with this thread (from Vojtěch and Klvnk), but you are really confusing me mister. I almost wish it was intentional, but I doubt it
I never said MCS…I clearly said MCG
If there is such a thing as Maya Creation Graph…then definitely I’ve missed that boat…never seen one…
Good that you got help from others, I’m not a scripter so can’t help you there, if you think I’m a troll…doesn’t worry me one bit.