[Closed] Custom Mesh: Window
Hi everyone
I wrote my first custom mesh plugin, a window suitable for Argumented Reality projects.
The plugin is working so far, but also it´s a really simple object the code is kinda complex/long.
So i wanted to ask if my workflow/code is ok or if i made it over-complicated?
Would be nice, if you could give me some input on how to improve the code or an insight on how you would write such a plugin.
I don´t care too much about the performance for now. I know i don´t have to build the mesh every time from scratch if i only move vertices.
What bothers me is, that it takes a lot of time and effort to extend the mesh.
For example:
I want to create a sill to the window. So basically just a box on the lower end.
If i create a box using “createinstance box” and combine the objects with “mesh = mesh + sill.mesh” it screws up the hidden edges.
So i have to set the vertices and create the faces by hand?
Looking forward to your comments.
Thanks a lot.
Here´s the code.
plugin simpleObject WindowExt
classid:#(0x6add5341, 0x51246801)
category:"Standard Primitives"
local firstClickPoint, secondClickPoint, thirdClickPoint
local xVector,yVector,zVector --predeclare the 3 axes to keep the visible in all handlers
local vert_array, face_array, edge_vis
parameters main rollout:window_params
pWidth type:#float ui:pWidth default:50
pLength type:#float ui:pLength default:50
pHeight type:#float ui:pHeight default:0
frameWidth type:#float ui:frameWidth default:5
frameDepth type:#float ui:frameDepth default:12
railWidth type:#float ui:railWidth default:6
railDepth type:#float ui:railDepth default:12
rollout window_params "Window"
spinner pLength"Length "range:[-1000,1000,0]
spinner pWidth"Width "range:[-1000,1000,0]
spinner pHeight "Height "range:[0,1000,1]
spinner frameWidth "Frame Width "range:[0,1000,1]
spinner frameDepth "Frame Depth "range:[0,1000,1]
spinner railWidth "Rail Width "range:[0,1000,1]
spinner railDepth "Rail Depth "range:[0,1000,1]
/* ##### FN ##### */
fn makequad p1 p2 p3 p4=
append face_array [p1,p2,p3]
append edge_vis #(false,true,false)
append face_array [p1,p3,p4]
append edge_vis #(false,true,true)
fn setEdgeVisibilty =
for f = 1 to face_array.count do --Edge Visibility
setEdgeVis mesh f 1 edge_vis[f][1]
setEdgeVis mesh f 2 edge_vis[f][2]
setEdgeVis mesh f 3 edge_vis[f][3]
fn buildWindow =
append vert_array [0,0,0]
append vert_array [pLength,0,0]
append vert_array [pLength,0,pHeight]
append vert_array [0,0,pHeight]
append vert_array [0+frameWidth,0,0+frameWidth]
append vert_array [pLength-frameWidth,0,0+frameWidth]
append vert_array [pLength-frameWidth,0,pHeight-frameWidth]
append vert_array [0+frameWidth,0,pHeight-frameWidth]
append vert_array [0+frameWidth,0+frameDepth,0+frameWidth]
append vert_array [pLength-frameWidth,0+frameDepth,0+frameWidth]
append vert_array [pLength-frameWidth,0+frameDepth,pHeight-frameWidth]
append vert_array [0+frameWidth,0+frameDepth,pHeight-frameWidth]
makequad 1 2 6 5
makequad 3 7 6 2
makequad 4 8 7 3
makequad 1 5 8 4
makequad 6 10 9 5
makequad 7 11 10 6
makequad 8 12 11 7
makequad 9 12 8 5
-- Frame
rfWidth = railWidth + frameWidth
append vert_array [0+rfWidth,0+frameDepth,0+rfWidth]
append vert_array [pLength-rfWidth,0+frameDepth,0+rfWidth]
append vert_array [pLength-rfWidth,0+frameDepth,pHeight-rfWidth]
append vert_array [0+rfWidth,0+frameDepth,pHeight-rfWidth]
rfDepth = railDepth + frameDepth
append vert_array [0+rfWidth,0+rfDepth,0+rfWidth]
append vert_array [pLength-rfWidth,0+rfDepth,0+rfWidth]
append vert_array [pLength-rfWidth,0+rfDepth,pHeight-rfWidth]
append vert_array [0+rfWidth,0+rfDepth,pHeight-rfWidth]
--front 2
makequad 10 14 13 9
makequad 11 15 14 10
makequad 12 16 15 11
makequad 9 13 16 12
--inner 2
makequad 14 18 17 13
makequad 20 16 15 19
makequad 19 15 14 18
makequad 16 13 17 20
makequad 20 17 18 19
fn buildSill =
return createinstance box
/* ##### BUILD MESH ##### */
on buildMesh do
vert_array = #()
face_array = #()
edge_vis = #()
setMesh mesh verts:vert_array faces:face_array
--mesh = mesh + sill.mesh
)--end buildMesh
/* ##### CREATE #####*/
tool create
on mousePoint click do
case click of
1: nodeTM.translation = firstClickPoint = gridPoint
2: secondClickPoint = gridPoint
3: thirdClickPoint = gridPoint
4: #stop
on mouseMove click do
case click of
2: (
xVector = normalize (gridPoint - firstClickPoint) --X is defined by the first click and the current mouse position
zVector = nodeTM.row3 --Z is defined by the local Z of the box
yVector = normalize (cross zVector xVector) --Y is the cross product of Z and X
nodeTM = matrix3 xVector yVector zVector firstClickPoint
pLength = length (gridPoint - firstClickPoint) --the width is the distance from first click to mouse
pWidth = pHeight = 0 --the length and height will be zero for now
3: (
local theLengthVector = gridPoint-secondClickPoint --this is the vector from the second click to the current mouse position
pWidth = abs (dot theLengthVector yVector) --set the length of the box to the length of the projection of the above vector on the y axis of the box
local theMulti = if dot (normalize theLengthVector) yVector < 0 then -1 else 1 --depending on the sign of the dot product, flip the sign of the multiplier
pWidth = pWidth*theMulti
--nodeTM = matrix3 xVector yVector zVector (firstClickPoint+yVector)
4: (
pHeight = gridDist.z --set the height to the Z distance to the grid
Thanks for the link.
The PicFrame is a really nice plugin and way more advanced than mine.
I´m sure i will learn a lot from it.