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[Closed] Custom Attributes AGAIN

Strange problem, am i stupid?

So i have 4 points for example and i want to assign custom attributes to control the rig. Up to here all looks fine, but when i try to get attributse controllers for expression just cant do it. Please help

--- Delete All Custom attributes
for obj in $ do (
c=(custAttributes.count obj)
for x =1 to c do custAttributes.delete obj x
-- Create All Custom attributes
for obj in $ do ( 
xxx = attributes Custom_Attributes
parameters main rollout:params
FSpread type:#float ui:FSpread default:0.0
FBendUp type:#float ui:FBendUp default:0.0
FBendLow type:#float ui:FBendLow default:0.0
rollout params "Custom_Attributes"
spinner FSpread "Spread" type:#float
spinner FBendUp "Bend Up" type:#float
spinner FBendLow "Bend Low" type:#float
CustAttributes.add obj xxx #unique BaseObject:true
--Trying to get controolers
for obj in $ do (
print Spread

2 Replies


After creating custom attributes i had manualy assign the controller, what a shit!
So after this line:
CustAttributes.add obj xxx #unique BaseObject:true


This is the case much of the time in other areas as well. If a controller isn’t needed it isn’t added saving file size and over head.