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[Closed] Custom Attributes | FBX Export Problem

Hi everyone,

I’m currently working on a Scripted Custom Attribute (CA) with 3ds Max 2017 to export auxiliary data into Unity3D via FBX. My CA has 3 rollouts and 3 associated parameters blocks. I exported the object with the CA with FBX Plug-in version: 2017.0.1 Release (241562) (in ASCII mode), but when I open the FBX in NotePad++ only the variables of the FIRST parameters block get exported. This happens regardless of whether the CA is carried on an Attribute Holder or is part of the base object (in this case en EditablePoly).

Is this a known issue? How can I achieve an export of ALL parameter blocks?

Here is a snippet of my CA showing the 3 parameter blocks:

      parameters ParamsCPI rollout:CPI_RO
        IsInteractable type:#boolean default:true
        CPIType type:#integer ui:CPI_Type_RBtn default:1

      rollout CPI_RO "CP Interactable" rolledUp:false

      parameters ParamsStepped rollout:SteppedInteractable_RO
        StateListBaseHeight type:#integer default:200
        SteppedRolloutBaseHeight type:#integer default:300
        SteppedRolloutMaxHeight type:#integer default:350
        IsSequential type:#boolean ui:IsSequential_CBox

        TotalCreatedStates type:#integer default:0
        StatesCount type:#integer default:0

        StateNames type:#stringTab tabSize:0 tabSizeVariable:true
        StateTitles type:#stringTab tabSize:0 tabSizeVariable:true
        StatePositions type:#point3Tab tabSize:0 tabSizeVariable:true
        StateRotations type:#point3Tab tabSize:0 tabSizeVariable:true
     rollout SteppedInteractable_RO "Stepped Interactable" height:300 rolledUp:false
      parameters ParamsSmooth rollout:SmoothInteractable_RO
        SmoothType type:#integer ui:CPI_SmoothType_RBtn

      rollout SmoothInteractable_RO "Smooth Interactable" rolledUp:false

And this is the relevant snippet of the exported FBX file:

    Model: 1892532272, "Model::Sphere001", "Mesh" {
        Version: 232
        Properties70:  {
            P: "PreRotation", "Vector3D", "Vector", "",-90,-0,0
            P: "RotationActive", "bool", "", "",1
            P: "InheritType", "enum", "", "",1
            P: "ScalingMax", "Vector3D", "Vector", "",0,0,0
            P: "DefaultAttributeIndex", "int", "Integer", "",0
            P: "Lcl Translation", "Lcl Translation", "", "A",45.6347885131836,0,7.53545904159546
            P: "mr displacement use global settings", "Bool", "", "AU",1
            P: "mr displacement view dependent", "Bool", "", "AU",1
            P: "mr displacement method", "Integer", "", "AU",6,6,6
            P: "mr displacement smoothing on", "Bool", "", "AU",1
            P: "mr displacement edge length", "Number", "", "AU",2,2,2
            P: "mr displacement max displace", "Number", "", "AU",20,20,20
            P: "mr displacement parametric subdivision level", "Integer", "", "AU",5,5,5
            P: "IsInteractable", "Bool", "", "AU",1
            P: "CPIType", "Integer", "", "AU",1,1,1
            P: "MaxHandle", "int", "Integer", "UH",2
        Shading: T
        Culling: "CullingOff"

; Object connections

Many thanks for any help!

1 Reply

I also can’t export my arrays/tabs. Only the first element in an array will exports! Is this expected behavior?