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[Closed] Creating multiple ProBoolean compounds bug?


i’m stuck on a very strange problem.
I want to create multiple ProBoolean Objects using copies of selected objects.

for o in selection do (
	snap1 = copy $trunk -- this is a tree trunk
	snap2 = copy o -- this is a branch
	ProBoolean.createBooleanObject snap1 snap2 2 1 0

Pretty simple, right? But it stops after the first object!
As i’m only after the edge selection created by the compound i tried with the old Boolean Compound and it worked as expected.
But the result was unusable.

Does anyone have any idea what might be the problem here?

4 Replies

it might be a proboolean bug of course…
but more likely there is the problem in the loop… when you add an object to the trunk the selection changes…
so the right loop has to look as:

for obj in selection as array do ...

Thank you very much!

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does it mean that it works?

yes, it works now, thanks.
I always thought doing something like “sel = $” would store the current selection permanently into an the array “sel”. But now I know better.