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[Closed] Creating buttons for slider values


I´m still working out how to create a GUI for Lipsync on my current character project.
I know I´ll have to get into maxscript deeper if I want to proceed working on my rigging skills eventually and I´m working my way through the maxscript 101 videos as I type…BUT.
What I want to do right now can probably be explained in one short post, instead of me waltzing through the complete max script help file…

So this is what I did so far:

  1. Added the PEN attribute holder to a custom facial control object.
  2. Added parameters and sliders for vowels and visemes.
  3. Set up reactions for them (I used a combination of blended morph targets and a bone based jaw).

What I want to do now:

  1. Create a floated UI (I can probably figure this one out myself or simply use the visual maxscript editor).
  2. Create buttons for the values 0%, 25%, 50%, 75% and 100% for each vowel and viseme.
    The reason for this: Turning the sliders up and down while lip syncin just seems less effective then simply hitting a button in autokey mode.
    Also I guess its a good idea to have the different buttons for the different percentages of the values, because depending on the way the character speaks, I might not always want the values for the visemes/vowels to be at a hundred percent.

So how do I get the buttons to set the value of the slider to be at those values?
Must be pretty simple, right…?