[Closed] Creating Directory
I figured out the solution to Creating a Directory!
makeDir (txtPath.text + “\” + cameraName)
I meant for this to post in the MAX SCRIPT SECTION – Mods if you can move this for me, please do!
I’ve researched but I can not find a way to have max create a new directory by using a script. I’ve only found how to create custom files like .txt files, but nothing about directories. Can anyone point me in the right direction? Here is what Im trying to achieve:
I have a custom script that will automaticly setup a Irradience Map for V-Ray. Everything works including creating the .vrmap file that V-Ray uses for irradience maps. The only problem is, the directory must already exist for the map to create properly.
Is there an easy fix for the directory to automaticly create? OR - Is it possible to create a dialog box that will easily allow the user to manually create the directory without the user having to open Windows Explorer? Here is the script I have for the Irradience map to work:
-- This is the textbox that the user manually types the location of the Irradience Directory.
edittext txtPath FieldWidth:360
-- variable that constructs the naming of the VRay Irradiene Map.
-- IRStart and IREnd grabs the frame start and end numbers.
-- CameraName simply grabs the camera name but the directory must exist.
-- Anyway for the directory to automaticly create?
IRName = txtPath.text + cameraName + "\\" +IRStart + "-" + IREnd +".vrmap"
-- Location for the VRay Irradience Map to create.
vr.adv_irradmap_autoSaveFileName = IRName
makeDir <directory_path_string>
edit – ah sorry missed the top of your post!
i wrote a small camera rollout a while back – it saves has a few controls including saving out the active camera to the current max directory. You may be able to grab something from there of use. please bear in mind its not named or formatted properly and much of it i would streamline these days – I hadnt meant for anyone to see it!
try(destroydialog camcontrol)catch()
global currentcam
global camdiagpos
global camsaver
global finalpath
global theMaxFilePath
global theMaxFilePathplus
global cwidth = 170
global cheight = 740
global registerCAMCallback
fn registerCAMCallback =
filein (getdir #scripts +"\\CamClippingAssist.ms")
rollout camcontrol "Camera Control" width:172 height:740
spinner spn1 "" pos:[39,149] width:117 height:16 range:[0,3000,0]
spinner spn2 "" pos:[42,244] width:117 height:16 range:[0,3000,0]
checkbutton ckb1 "Clip on/off" pos:[6,48] width:75 height:43 highlightColor:(color 123 143 123)
label lbl1 "" pos:[11,19] width:104 height:17
button btn1 "125" pos:[30,265] width:20 height:20
GroupBox grp1 "Current Camera" pos:[6,2] width:155 height:41
button btn3 "500" pos:[140,265] width:20 height:20
button btn4 "400" pos:[118,265] width:20 height:20
button btn5 "100" pos:[8,265] width:20 height:20
button btn6 "150" pos:[52,265] width:20 height:20
button btn7 "200" pos:[74,265] width:20 height:20
button btn8 "300" pos:[96,265] width:20 height:20
button btn9 "10" pos:[72,169] width:20 height:20
button btn10 "0.1" pos:[8,169] width:20 height:20
button btn11 "1" pos:[29,169] width:20 height:20
button btn12 "5" pos:[50,169] width:20 height:20
button btn13 "15" pos:[94,169] width:20 height:20
button btn14 "20" pos:[116,169] width:20 height:20
button btn15 "25" pos:[138,169] width:20 height:20
button btn44 "Refresh" pos:[116,14] width:41 height:24
GroupBox grp3 "Select" pos:[2,330] width:162 height:85
button btn16 "Camera" pos:[6,348] width:51 height:62
button btn17 "Both" pos:[108,348] width:51 height:62
GroupBox grp4 "Add TCB" pos:[3,418] width:159 height:37
button btn18 "Camera" pos:[12,434] width:67 height:16
button btn19 "Target" pos:[88,434] width:67 height:16
slider sld1 "" pos:[13,194] width:150 height:25 enabled:true range:[0,400,0] ticks:0
slider sld2 "" pos:[13,291] width:150 height:25 range:[0,3000,0] ticks:0
GroupBox grp33 "Near Clipping Distance" pos:[5,134] width:159 height:86
GroupBox grp34 "Far Clipping Distance" pos:[5,225] width:159 height:96
button btn24 "Save to file" pos:[84,48] width:79 height:43
GroupBox grp6 "Ease From" pos:[5,587] width:76 height:109
GroupBox grp7 "Ease To" pos:[88,587] width:75 height:109
button btn21 "0" pos:[13,605] width:62 height:13
button btn66 "5" pos:[14,620] width:17 height:17
button btn67 "10" pos:[36,620] width:17 height:17
button btn68 "15" pos:[57,620] width:17 height:17
button btn69 "20" pos:[14,639] width:17 height:17
button btn70 "25" pos:[36,638] width:17 height:17
button btn71 "30" pos:[57,637] width:17 height:17
button btn72 "35" pos:[14,656] width:17 height:17
button btn73 "40" pos:[36,656] width:17 height:17
button btn74 "45" pos:[57,655] width:17 height:17
button btn75 "50" pos:[14,674] width:59 height:14
button btn77 "0" pos:[95,606] width:62 height:13
button btn78 "5" pos:[96,621] width:17 height:17
button btn79 "10" pos:[118,621] width:17 height:17
button btn80 "15" pos:[139,621] width:17 height:17
button btn81 "20" pos:[96,640] width:17 height:17
button btn82 "25" pos:[118,639] width:17 height:17
button btn83 "30" pos:[139,638] width:17 height:17
button btn84 "35" pos:[96,657] width:17 height:17
button btn85 "40" pos:[118,657] width:17 height:17
button btn86 "45" pos:[139,656] width:17 height:17
button btn87 "50" pos:[96,675] width:59 height:14
button btn43 "Rename to Scene Name" pos:[6,102] width:156 height:22
button camkeyinfo "Key Info Cam" pos:[6,701] width:78 height:20
button btn45 "Key Info Target" pos:[87,701] width:77 height:20
button btn46 "Key Cam" pos:[5,478] width:162 height:27
button btn47 "Key Target" pos:[5,506] width:162 height:27
button btn48 "Key Both" pos:[5,534] width:162 height:27
GroupBox grp29 "TCB Utilities" pos:[2,570] width:164 height:157
GroupBox grp30 "TCB Utilities" pos:[3,460] width:164 height:108
button btn49 "Target" pos:[57,348] width:51 height:62
on camcontrol open do
try (currentcam = getActiveCamera())catch(lbl1.text = "Select a camera view")
if currentcam == undefined then () else(
theMaxFilePath = maxFilePath
pth = "wip/"
theMaxFilePathplus= maxFilePath + pth
finalpath = theMaxFilePathplus + currentcam.name + " Camera"
ckb1.enabled = true
currentcam.nearclip.controller = bezier_float ()
currentcam.farclip.controller = bezier_float ()
lbl1.text = currentcam.name
ckb1.state = currentcam.clipManually
spn1.controller = currentcam.nearclip.controller
spn2.controller = currentcam.farclip.controller
sld1.controller = currentcam.nearclip.controller
sld2.controller = currentcam.farclip.controller
catch ( lbl1.text = "Select a camera view"
ckb1.enabled = false)
on camcontrol close do
callbacks.removeScripts id:#CAMAssist
camdialogpos = getdialogpos camcontrol
SetIniSetting "$scripts\\GlobalScriptSettings.ini" "CamControlSettings" "DialogPosition" ((getDialogPos camcontrol) as string)
on ckb1 changed state do
if state == false
try(currentcam.clipManually = false)catch()
try(currentcam.clipManually = true)catch()
on btn1 pressed do
spn2.value = 125
on btn3 pressed do
spn2.value = 500
on btn4 pressed do
spn2.value = 400
on btn5 pressed do
spn2.value = 100
on btn6 pressed do
spn2.value = 150
on btn7 pressed do
spn2.value = 200
on btn8 pressed do
spn2.value = 300
on btn9 pressed do
spn1.value = 10
on btn10 pressed do
spn1.value = 0.1
on btn11 pressed do
spn1.value = 1
on btn12 pressed do
spn1.value = 5
on btn13 pressed do
spn1.value = 15
on btn14 pressed do
spn1.value = 20
on btn15 pressed do
spn1.value = 25
on btn44 pressed do
camdialogpos = getdialogpos camcontrol
destroydialog camcontrol
createdialog camcontrol cwidth cheight style:#(#style_toolwindow, #style_sysmenu) pos:(if camdialogpos == undefined then [0,0] else camdialogpos)
on btn16 pressed do
try(select currentcam)catch()
on btn17 pressed do
select currentcam.target
selectmore currentcam
on btn18 pressed do
select currentcam
$.pos.controller = tcb_position ()
on btn19 pressed do
select currentcam.target
$.pos.controller = tcb_position ()
on btn24 pressed do
if currentcam == undefined then
lbl1.text = "Must be a camera!"
createdialog camsaver style:#(#style_toolwindow, #style_sysmenu)
on btn21 pressed do
local tvis = $.position.controller
addnewkey tvis currenttime
keyind = getKeyIndex tvis currenttime
tvis.keys[keyind].easefrom = 0
on btn66 pressed do
local tvis = $.position.controller
addnewkey tvis currenttime
keyind = getKeyIndex tvis currenttime
tvis.keys[keyind].easefrom = 5
on btn67 pressed do
local tvis = $.position.controller
addnewkey tvis currenttime
keyind = getKeyIndex tvis currenttime
tvis.keys[keyind].easefrom = 10
on btn68 pressed do
local tvis = $.position.controller
addnewkey tvis currenttime
keyind = getKeyIndex tvis currenttime
tvis.keys[keyind].easefrom = 15
on btn69 pressed do
local tvis = $.position.controller
addnewkey tvis currenttime
keyind = getKeyIndex tvis currenttime
tvis.keys[keyind].easefrom = 20
on btn70 pressed do
local tvis = $.position.controller
addnewkey tvis currenttime
keyind = getKeyIndex tvis currenttime
tvis.keys[keyind].easefrom = 25
on btn71 pressed do
local tvis = $.position.controller
addnewkey tvis currenttime
keyind = getKeyIndex tvis currenttime
tvis.keys[keyind].easefrom = 30
on btn72 pressed do
local tvis = $.position.controller
addnewkey tvis currenttime
keyind = getKeyIndex tvis currenttime
tvis.keys[keyind].easefrom = 35
on btn73 pressed do
local tvis = $.position.controller
addnewkey tvis currenttime
keyind = getKeyIndex tvis currenttime
tvis.keys[keyind].easefrom = 40
on btn74 pressed do
local tvis = $.position.controller
addnewkey tvis currenttime
keyind = getKeyIndex tvis currenttime
tvis.keys[keyind].easefrom = 45
on btn75 pressed do
local tvis = $.position.controller
addnewkey tvis currenttime
keyind = getKeyIndex tvis currenttime
tvis.keys[keyind].easefrom = 50
on btn77 pressed do
local tvis = $.position.controller
addnewkey tvis currenttime
keyind = getKeyIndex tvis currenttime
tvis.keys[keyind].easeto = 0
on btn78 pressed do
local tvis = $.position.controller
addnewkey tvis currenttime
keyind = getKeyIndex tvis currenttime
tvis.keys[keyind].easeto = 5
on btn79 pressed do
local tvis = $.position.controller
addnewkey tvis currenttime
keyind = getKeyIndex tvis currenttime
tvis.keys[keyind].easeto = 10
on btn80 pressed do
local tvis = $.position.controller
addnewkey tvis currenttime
keyind = getKeyIndex tvis currenttime
tvis.keys[keyind].easeto = 15
on btn81 pressed do
local tvis = $.position.controller
addnewkey tvis currenttime
keyind = getKeyIndex tvis currenttime
tvis.keys[keyind].easeto = 20
on btn82 pressed do
local tvis = $.position.controller
addnewkey tvis currenttime
keyind = getKeyIndex tvis currenttime
tvis.keys[keyind].easeto = 25
on btn83 pressed do
local tvis = $.position.controller
addnewkey tvis currenttime
keyind = getKeyIndex tvis currenttime
tvis.keys[keyind].easeto = 30
on btn84 pressed do
local tvis = $.position.controller
addnewkey tvis currenttime
keyind = getKeyIndex tvis currenttime
tvis.keys[keyind].easeto = 35
on btn85 pressed do
local tvis = $.position.controller
addnewkey tvis currenttime
keyind = getKeyIndex tvis currenttime
tvis.keys[keyind].easeto = 40
on btn86 pressed do
local tvis = $.position.controller
addnewkey tvis currenttime
keyind = getKeyIndex tvis currenttime
tvis.keys[keyind].easeto = 45
on btn87 pressed do
local tvis = $.position.controller
addnewkey tvis currenttime
keyind = getKeyIndex tvis currenttime
tvis.keys[keyind].easeto = 50
on btn43 pressed do
tempname = maxfilename
filetypestrip = filterstring tempname "."
currentcam.name = filetypestrip[1]
currentcam.target.name = filetypestrip[1]+" (Target)"
camdialogpos = getdialogpos camcontrol
destroydialog camcontrol
createdialog camcontrol cwidth cheight style:#(#style_toolwindow, #style_sysmenu) pos:(if camdialogpos == undefined then [0,0] else camdialogpos)
on camkeyinfo pressed do
select currentcam
tvis = $.position.controller
selectkeys tvis currenttime
displayControlDialog tvis "Camera key properties"
on btn45 pressed do
select currentcam.target
tvis = $.position.controller
selectkeys tvis currenttime
displayControlDialog tvis "Camera Target Key properties"
on btn46 pressed do
select currentcam
local tvis = $.position.controller
addnewkey tvis currenttime
on btn47 pressed do
select currentcam.target
local tvis = $.position.controller
addnewkey tvis currenttime
on btn48 pressed do
select currentcam
local tvis = $.position.controller
addnewkey tvis currenttime
select currentcam.target
local tvis = $.position.controller
addnewkey tvis currenttime
on btn49 pressed do
try(select currentcam.target)catch()
rollout camsaver "Save current camera to max file" width:263 height:56
button btnsave "Save" pos:[118,27] width:79 height:23
button btncncl "Cancel" pos:[199,27] width:58 height:23
edittext edt1 "Camera Name" pos:[8,3] width:249 height:20 bold:true
checkbox chkwip "Save to wip folder" pos:[7,28] width:109 height:19 checked:true
on camsaver open do
edt1.text = currentcam.name
on btnsave pressed do
currentcam.name = edt1.text
if chkwip.checked == true then
makeDir theMaxFilePathplus
savenodes currentcam finalpath
destroydialog camsaver
local rootpath = theMaxFilePath + (currentcam.name + " Camera")
savenodes currentcam rootpath
destroydialog camsaver
on btncncl pressed do (destroydialog camsaver)
try(callbacks.removeScripts id:#CAMAssist)catch()
callbacks.addScript #filePostOpen "registerCAMCallback()" id:#CAMAssist
createdialog camcontrol cwidth cheight style:#(#style_toolwindow, #style_sysmenu)
Yes I did :). I left the post information up for people to review if they wanted to see what was wrong.
Thanks for your code! It looks pretty intense, Im going to check it out today. Thanks again