Clear all

[Closed] Create buttons at routime


Here is my first rewrited DotNet code from C# in to Maxscript
Maybe someone can find it usefull…

C# Syntax

  C# Syntax (Toggle Plain Text)  //r0ckbaer
  using System;
  using SystemDrawing;
  using SystemCollections;
  	using SystemComponentModel;
  	using SystemWindowsForms;
  	using SystemData;
  	using SystemTextRegularExpressions;
  	namespace WindowsApplication1
  		/// <summary>
  		/// Summary description for Form1
  		/// </summary>
  		public class Form1 : SystemWindowsFormsForm
  			private SystemWindowsFormsTextBox textBox1;
  			private SystemWindowsFormsTextBox textBox2;
  			private SystemWindowsFormsButton button1;
  			/// <summary>
  			/// Required designer variable
  			/// </summary>
  			private SystemComponentModelContainer components = null;
  			public Form1()
  				// Required for Windows Form Designer support
  				// TODO: Add any constructor code after InitializeComponent call
  			/// <summary>
  			/// Clean up any resources being used
  			/// </summary>
  			protected override void Dispose( bool disposing )
  				if( disposing )
  					if (components != null) 
  				baseDispose( disposing );
  			#region Windows Form Designer generated code
  			/// <summary>
  			/// Required method for Designer support - do not modify
  			/// the contents of this method with the code editor
  			/// </summary>
  			private void InitializeComponent()
  				thistextBox1 = new SystemWindowsFormsTextBox();
  				thistextBox2 = new SystemWindowsFormsTextBox();
  				thisbutton1 = new SystemWindowsFormsButton();
  				// textBox1
  				thistextBox1Location = new SystemDrawingPoint(16, 16);
  				thistextBox1Name = "textBox1";
  				thistextBox1Size = new SystemDrawingSize(48, 20);
  				thistextBox1TabIndex = 0;
  				thistextBox1Text = "textBox1";
  				// textBox2
  				thistextBox2Location = new SystemDrawingPoint(72, 16);
  				thistextBox2Name = "textBox2";
  				thistextBox2Size = new SystemDrawingSize(56, 20);
  				thistextBox2TabIndex = 1;
  				thistextBox2Text = "textBox2";
  				// button1
  				thisbutton1Location = new SystemDrawingPoint(152, 16);
  				thisbutton1Name = "button1";
  				thisbutton1TabIndex = 2;
  				thisbutton1Text = "button1";
  				thisbutton1Click += new SystemEventHandler(thisbutton1_Click);
  				// Form1
  				thisAutoScaleBaseSize = new SystemDrawingSize(5, 13);
  				thisClientSize = new SystemDrawingSize(240, 46);
  				thisName = "Form1";
  				thisText = "Form1";
  			/// <summary>
  			/// The main entry point for the application
  			/// </summary>
  			static void Main() 
  				ApplicationRun(new Form1());
  			private void button1_Click(object sender, SystemEventArgs e)
  				// This is the generate button routine
  				int count = 0;
  				SystemCollectionsArrayList al = new ArrayList();
  				foreach (Control c in thisControls)
  					if (cGetType() == typeof(Button) && cName != "button1")
  				for (int i = 0; i < alCount; i++)
  				// Resize to start size
  				thisSize = new Size(248, 80);
  				// First one is columns
  				int columns = ConvertToInt32(textBox1Text);
  				int rows = ConvertToInt32(textBox2Text);
  				int locX = 16, locY = 56;
  				// We assume space between is 20
  				for (int i = 0; i < columns * rows; i++)
  					Button b = new Button();
  					bName = "b" + iToString();
  					bSize = new Size(10, 10);
  					bLocation = new Point(locX, locY);
  					if (((i + 1) % columns) == 0)
  						locX = 16;
  						locY += bSizeHeight + 20;
  						locX += bSizeWidth + 20;
  					bClick +=new EventHandler(b_Click);
  					if ((bLocationX + bWidth) > thisClientSizeWidth)
  						thisWidth += ((bLocationX + bWidth) - thisClientSizeWidth) + 10;
  					if ((bLocationY + bHeight) > thisClientSizeHeight)
  						thisHeight += ((bLocationY + bHeight) - thisClientSizeHeight) + 10;
  			private void b_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
  				string s =  ((Control)sender)Name;
  				s = new Regex("\\d+")Match(s)Value;
  				int num = ConvertToInt32(s);
  				int columns = ConvertToInt32(textBox1Text);
  				int rows = ConvertToInt32(textBox2Text);
  				s = stringFormat("Column: {0}, Row: {1}", (num % columns) + 1, (num / columns) + 1);
  				MessageBoxShow(this, s);


  	try form.close() catch()
  	form = dotnetObject "Form"
  	components = (dotnetObject "System.ComponentModel.Container").Components
  	--Clean up any resources being used
  	if components.count != 0 do components.Dispose()
  	--region Windows Form Designer generated code
  	fn button1Click s a =
  		--This is the generate button routine
  		al = dotnetObject "System.Collections.ArrayList"
  		--get all buttons except first one
  		for i = 0 to form.controls.count-1 do 
  			itm = form.controls.item[i]
  			if (itm.GetType()).ToString() == "System.Windows.Forms.Button" and != "button1" do 
  				al.add( itm )
  		--remove all buttons except first one
  		for i = 0 to al.count-1 do form.controls.Remove al.Item[ i ]
  		--Resize to start size
  		form.Size = dotNetObject "System.Drawing.Size" 248 80
  		--First one is columns
  		columns = if textBox1.Text as integer != undefined then textBox1.Text as integer else 0
  		rows	= if textBox2.Text as integer != undefined then textBox1.Text as integer else 0
  		locX = 16
  		locY = 56
  		--We assume space between is 20
  		for i = 0 to columns * rows do
  			b = dotNetObject "Button"
  			b.Name = "b" + i as String
  			b.Size = dotNetObject "System.Drawing.Size" 10 10
  			b.Location = dotnetObject "System.Drawing.Point" locX locY
  			if mod (i+1) columns == 0 
  				locX = 16
  				locY += b.Height + 20
  				locX += b.Width + 20
  			dotNet.addEventHandler b "Click" button1Click
  			if ((b.Location.X + b.Width) > form.Width) do
  				form.Width += ((b.Location.X + b.Width) - form.Width) + 10
  			if ((b.Location.Y + b.Height) > form.Height) do
  				form.Height += ((b.Location.Y + b.Height) - form.Height) + 10
  	fn InitializeComponent =
  		textBox1 = dotnetObject "TextBox"
  		textBox2 = dotnetObject "TextBox"
  		button1 = dotnetObject "Button"
  		-- textBox1
  		textBox1.Location = dotnetObject "System.Drawing.Point" 16 16
  		textBox1.Name = "textBox1"
  		textBox1.Size = dotnetObject "System.Drawing.Size" 48  20 
  		textBox1.TabIndex = 0
  		textBox1.Text = "4"
  		-- textBox2
  		textBox2.Location = dotnetObject "System.Drawing.Point" 72 16
  		textBox2.Name = "textBox2"
  		textBox2.Size = dotnetObject "System.Drawing.Size" 56 20
  		textBox2.TabIndex = 1
  		textBox2.Text = "8"
  		-- button1
  		button1.Location = dotnetObject "System.Drawing.Point" 152 16
  		button1.Name = "button1"
  		button1.TabIndex = 2
  		button1.Text = "button1"
  		dotNet.addEventHandler button1 "Click" button1Click
  		-- Form1
  		form.AutoScaleBaseSize = dotnetObject "System.Drawing.Size" 5 13
  		form.ClientSize = dotnetObject "System.Drawing.Size" 240  46
  		form.Name = "Form1"
  		form.Text = "Form1"
  	) components

one problem is there , keyboard is stil focused in to max interface.
(I can’t write in to textBox)

14 Replies

temporally way

fn onOpenForm = (enableAccelerators = false)
fn onCloseForm = (enableAccelerators = true)

dotNet.addEventHandler form “Shown” onOpenForm
dotNet.addEventHandler form “Closed” onCloseForm

I think this will be ok

fn onGotFocus = (enableAccelerators = false)
fn onLostFocus = (enableAccelerators = true)

dotNet.addEventHandler textBox1 “GotFocus” onGotFocus
dotNet.addEventHandler textBox1 “LostFocus” onLostFocus

dotNet.addEventHandler textBox2 “GotFocus” onGotFocus
dotNet.addEventHandler textBox2 “LostFocus” onLostFocus

I will be glad to see if anybody knows better way

hi i ran the maxscript code you have written and when i press button1 i got

Unknown property: "text" in undefined

so i changed two lines and it worked fine

 --First one is columns
 columns = if form.controls.item[1].Text as integer != undefined then form.controls.item[1].Text as integer else 0
 rows	= if form.controls.item[1].Text as integer != undefined then form.controls.item[1].Text as integer else 0

and you could use the max dotnetform to get the textbox to work without the two function onGetFocus and onLostFoucs.

form = dotNetObject "MaxCustomControls.MaxForm"

-and use showModeless()

Hi Akram

You get:

Unknown property: "text" in undefined 
is because I cereated it in 3DsMax9 and maybe in higer max versions access is changed.

I cant use :
form = dotNetObject "MaxCustomControls.MaxForm".

Version 9 dont have yet file MaxCustomControls.dll

thanks anyway man :)

here is the next version:

    Global mc2ButtonForm
try mc2ButtonForm.close() catch()
-- Create buttons at routime
	local netCursors	  = (dotNetClass "Cursors")
	local netFlatStyle	= (dotnetClass "System.Windows.Forms.FlatStyle")
	local netContainer	= (dotnetObject "System.ComponentModel.Container")
	fn netDrColor clr	 = ((dotNetClass "Drawing.Color").fromArgb clr.r clr.g clr.b)
	fn netDrPoint pos	 = (dotnetObject "Drawing.Point" pos.x pos.y)
	fn netDrSize size	 = (dotNetObject "Drawing.Size" size.x size.y)
	fn netDecimal val	 = (dotnetObject "System.Decimal" val)
	mc2ButtonForm = dotnetObject "Form"
	local form = mc2ButtonForm
	local sp1 = dotnetObject "NumericUpDown"
	local sp2 = dotnetObject "NumericUpDown"
	--Clean up any resources being used
	local components = netContainer.Components
	if components.count != 0 do components.Dispose()
	--This is the generate button routine
	fn rClickMenu =
		rcMenu mainMenu
			separator file_menu_1
			menuItem new_1 "Close Form..."
			separator file_menu_2
			on new_1 picked do (form.close())
		PopupMenu mainMenu
	fn button1Click s a = 
		local al = dotnetObject "System.Collections.ArrayList"

		--get all buttons
		for i = 0 to form.controls.count-1 do 
			local itm = form.controls.item[i]
			if (itm.GetType()).ToString() == "System.Windows.Forms.Button" do 
				al.add( itm )

		--remove all buttons
		for i = 0 to al.count-1 do form.controls.Remove al.Item[ i ]
		--Resize to start size
		form.Size = netDrSize [248, 80]
		--First one is columns
		local columns = sp1.value
		local rows	= sp2.value
		local padding = 10
		local btn_size = 24
		local locX = padding
		local locY = 56
		--We assume space between is 20
		for i = 0 to columns * rows do
			local b = dotNetObject "Button"
			b.Name = "b" + i as String
			b.Size = netDrSize [btn_size, btn_size]
			b.Location = netDrPoint [locX, locY]
			b.Cursor = netCursors.Default
			b.FlatStyle = netFlatStyle.System
			if mod (i+1) columns == 0 
				locX = padding
				locY += b.Height + padding
				locX += b.Width + padding
			dotNet.addEventHandler b "Click" button1Click
			if ((b.Location.X + b.Width) > form.Width) do
				form.Width += ((b.Location.X + b.Width) - form.Width) + btn_size
			if ((b.Location.Y + b.Height) > form.Height) do
				form.Height += ((b.Location.Y + b.Height) - form.Height) + btn_size
	fn onGotFocus  = (enableAccelerators = false)
	fn onLostFocus = (enableAccelerators = true)
	fn InitializeComponent =

		sp1.Size = netDrSize [42, 20]
		sp1.Location = netDrPoint [16, 16]
		sp1.Name = "sp1"
		sp1.TabIndex = 0
		sp1.Minimum = netDecimal 1
		sp1.Maximum = netDecimal 40
		sp1.ReadOnly = true sp1
		dotNet.addEventHandler sp1 "ValueChanged" button1Click
		dotNet.addEventHandler sp1 "GotFocus" onGotFocus
		dotNet.addEventHandler sp1 "LostFocus" onLostFocus
		sp2.Size = netDrSize [42, 20] 
		sp2.Location = netDrPoint [60, 16]
		sp2.Name = "sp2"
		sp2.TabIndex = 0
		sp2.Minimum = netDecimal 1
		sp2.Maximum = netDecimal 40
		sp2.ReadOnly = true
		dotNet.addEventHandler sp2 "ValueChanged" button1Click
		dotNet.addEventHandler sp2 "GotFocus" onGotFocus
		dotNet.addEventHandler sp2 "LostFocus" onLostFocus
		-- Form1
		form.AutoScaleBaseSize = netDrSize [5, 13]
		form.ClientSize = netDrSize [240, 46]
		--form.width = 200
		--form.height = 200
		form.backColor = netDrColor (color 0 255 0)
		form.opacity = 0.8
		form.FormBorderStyle = form.FormBorderStyle.FixedDialog
		form.ShowInTaskbar  = false --hide from windows task bar
		form.ControlBox  = false --hide main bar
		form.StartPosition = form.StartPosition.Manual
		form.Location = netDrPoint [ 200, 100 ]
		form.Name = "Form1"
		dotNet.addEventHandler form "mouseUp" rClickMenu


		form.ResumeLayout(false) form 
I aded two spinners there. Is posible set one of them verticaly ?

Spinner in Dotnet is a Trackbar and at least in c# you only need to set the orientation to vertical .
In maxscrip You Must call the Orientation Class Before you’re able to use that

form = dotnetobject"System.Windows.Forms.form"
spi = dotnetobject"System.Windows.Forms.Trackbar"
Ori = dotnetclass"System.Windows.Forms.Orientation"
spi.Orientation = Ori.vertical
1 Reply
Joined: 11 months ago

Posts: 0

Hi Cyfer

It will be not a good idea to controll buttons columns and rows with trackbars.
But for training was wery good! Thanks for this

 	try (form.close()) catch()
 	--DotNet Components
 	fn netDrSize size  = (dotNetObject "Drawing.Size" size.x size.y)
 	fn netDrPoint pos  = (dotnetObject "Drawing.Point" pos.x pos.y)
 	fn netDrColor clr	 = ((dotNetClass "Drawing.Color").fromArgb clr.r clr.g clr.b)
 	local netCursors   = (dotNetClass "Cursors")
 	--Local Variables
 	local trackbar_width = 45
 	local form_bounds = 8
 	local rows_columns = [6,2]
 	local btn_size = 48
 	local form_size = ([btn_size, btn_size] * rows_columns)+trackbar_width + form_bounds
 	--Interface Elements
 	form = dotnetobject"System.Windows.Forms.form"
 	spiH = dotnetobject"System.Windows.Forms.Trackbar"
 	spiV = dotnetobject"System.Windows.Forms.Trackbar"
 	tlp  = dotNetObject "TableLayoutPanel"
 	btn  = dotNetObject "button"
 	--Interface Setup
 	form.ControlBox  = false --hide main bar
 	form.size = netDrSize form_size
 	form.StartPosition = form.StartPosition.Manual
 	form.Location = netDrPoint [ 200, 100 ]
 	tlp.size = netDrSize (form_size - trackbar_width - form_bounds)
 	tlp.backColor = netDrColor( green )
 	spiH.TickStyle = spiH.TickStyle.BottomRight
 	spiH.SetBounds 0 tlp.height 100 4--tlp.width 4 --pos size
 	spiH.SetRange 0 10
 	--spiH.size = netDrSize [tlp.width, 4]
 	--spiH.Location = netDrPoint [0, tlp.height]
 	--spiH.TickFrequency = 1
 	--spiH.value = 0
 	spiV.Orientation = spiV.Orientation.vertical
 	spiV.TickStyle = spiV.TickStyle.TopLeft
 	spiV.SetBounds tlp.width -4 4 100--tlp.height --pos size
 	spiV.SetRange 0 10
 	--spiV.size = netDrSize [4, tlp.height]
 	--spiV.Location = netDrPoint [tlp.width, 0]
 	--spiV.TickFrequency = 1
 	--spiV.value = 0
 	btn.size = netDrSize [trackbar_width, trackbar_width]
 	btn.location = netDrPoint [tlp.width,tlp.height]
 	btn.text = "Close"
 	fn onBtnMouseUp = form.close()
 	--Event Handlers
 	dotNet.addEventHandler btn "MouseUp" onBtnMouseUp

Finaly is finished first version.

here is a picture:

here si code:

Global mc2ButtonForm
	try (mc2ButtonForm.close()) catch()
	--DotNet Components
	fn netDrSize size	 = (dotNetObject "Drawing.Size" size.x size.y)
	fn netDrPoint pos	 = (dotnetObject "Drawing.Point" pos.x pos.y)
	fn netDrColor clr	 = ((dotNetClass "Drawing.Color").fromArgb clr.r clr.g clr.b)
	fn netDrRect pos size = (dotnetObject "Drawing.Rectangle" pos.x pos.y size.x size.y)
	local netCursors	  = (dotNetClass  "Cursors")
	--Local Variables
	local spinner_width = 20
	local form_bounds = 10
	local columns = 6
	local rows = 2
	local intr_btn_size = 22
	local user_btn_size = 48
	local form_size = ([user_btn_size, user_btn_size] * [columns, rows])+spinner_width + form_bounds
	--Interface Elements
	mc2ButtonForm  = dotnetObject "Form"
	local form	 = mc2ButtonForm
	local tlp	  = dotNetObject "TableLayoutPanel"
	local btnExit  = dotNetObject "button"
	local btnHL	= dotNetObject "button"
	local btnHR	= dotNetObject "button"
	local btnVU	= dotNetObject "button"
	local btnVD	= dotNetObject "button"
	local lblH	 = dotNetObject "label" 
	local lblV	 = dotNetObject "label" 

	--Interface Setup
	form.ControlBox  = false --hide main bar
	form.size = netDrSize form_size
	form.StartPosition = form.StartPosition.Manual
	form.Location = netDrPoint [ 200, 100 ]
	form.BackColor = netDrColor yellow
	tlp.size = netDrSize (form_size - spinner_width - form_bounds)
	tlp.backColor = netDrColor( green )
	btnHL.Bounds = netDrRect [0  , tlp.height] [intr_btn_size, intr_btn_size]
	btnHL.FlatStyle = btnHR.FlatStyle.flat
	btnHL.text = "<"
	btnHL.tag = "HL"
	btnHL.BackColor = netDrColor (color 124 196 22)
	btnHR.Bounds = netDrRect [tlp.width - intr_btn_size, tlp.height] [intr_btn_size, intr_btn_size]
	btnHR.FlatStyle = btnHR.FlatStyle.flat
	btnHR.text = ">"
	btnHR.tag = "HR"
	btnHR.BackColor = netDrColor (color 124 196 22)
	btnVU.Bounds = netDrRect [tlp.width , 0] [intr_btn_size, intr_btn_size]
	btnVU.FlatStyle = btnHR.FlatStyle.flat
	btnVU.text = "^"
	btnVU.tag = "VU"
	btnVU.BackColor = netDrColor (color 124 196 22)
	btnVD.Bounds = netDrRect [tlp.width , tlp.height - intr_btn_size] [intr_btn_size, intr_btn_size]
	btnVD.FlatStyle = btnHR.FlatStyle.flat
	btnVD.text = "v"
	btnVD.tag = "VD"
	btnVD.BackColor = netDrColor (color 124 196 22)
	lblH.Bounds = netDrRect [intr_btn_size, tlp.height] [tlp.width - 2*intr_btn_size, intr_btn_size]
	lblH.TextAlign = lblH.TextAlign.MiddleCenter
	lblH.BackColor = netDrColor (color 84 132 15)
	lblH.text = "Columns:" + ((columns as integer) as string)
	lblV.Bounds = netDrRect [tlp.width, intr_btn_size] [intr_btn_size, tlp.height - 2*intr_btn_size]
	lblV.TextAlign = lblH.TextAlign.MiddleCenter
	lblV.BackColor = netDrColor (color 84 132 15)
	lblV.text = "Rows:" + ((rows as integer) as string)
	btnExit.size = netDrSize [intr_btn_size, intr_btn_size]
	btnExit.location = netDrPoint [tlp.width,tlp.height]
	btnExit.BackColor = netDrColor (green)--color 138 15 15)
	btnExit.text = "X"

	fn closeForm = (form.close())
	fn onBtnMouseUp s a = 
		format "name:%	 tag:%
" s.tag
	fn addButton int =
		local btn = (dotNetObject "Button")
		btn.size = netDrSize [user_btn_size, user_btn_size]
		btn.flatstyle = btn.flatstyle.flat
		btn.margin =  dotnetobject "padding" 0
		btn.text = (int as integer) as string = "button_"+btn.text
		btn.tag = 123
		dotNet.addEventHandler btn "MouseUp" onBtnMouseUp
	fn generateButtons =
		local cnt = 0
		for x = 0 to rows - 1 do
			for y = 0 to columns - 1 do
				tlp.Controls.Add (addButton (cnt +=1)) y x
	fn resizeInterface s a =
		case s.tag of
			"HL":(if columns > 1  do columns -= 1)
			"HR":(if columns < 50 do columns += 1)
			"VU":(if rows	> 1  do rows	-= 1)
			"VD":(if rows	< 50 do rows	+= 1)	
		lblH.text = "Columns:" + ((columns as integer) as string)
		lblV.text = "Rows:" + ((rows as integer) as string)
		local s = ([user_btn_size, user_btn_size] * [columns, rows])+spinner_width + form_bounds
		local v = s.x
		local h = s.y
		form.size = netDrSize s
		tlp.size = netDrSize (s - spinner_width - form_bounds)
		btnHL.Bounds = netDrRect [0  , tlp.height] [intr_btn_size, intr_btn_size]
		btnHR.Bounds = netDrRect [tlp.width - intr_btn_size, tlp.height] [intr_btn_size, intr_btn_size]
		btnVU.Bounds = netDrRect [tlp.width , 0] [intr_btn_size, intr_btn_size]
		btnVD.Bounds = netDrRect [tlp.width , tlp.height - intr_btn_size] [intr_btn_size, intr_btn_size]
		lblH.Bounds = netDrRect [intr_btn_size, tlp.height] [tlp.width - 2*intr_btn_size, intr_btn_size]
		lblV.Bounds = netDrRect [tlp.width, intr_btn_size] [intr_btn_size, tlp.height - 2*intr_btn_size]
		btnExit.location = netDrPoint [tlp.width,tlp.height]
	--Event Handlers
	dotNet.addEventHandler btnExit "MouseUp" closeForm
	dotNet.addEventHandler btnHL "MouseUp" resizeInterface
	dotNet.addEventHandler btnHR "MouseUp" resizeInterface
	dotNet.addEventHandler btnVU "MouseUp" resizeInterface
	dotNet.addEventHandler btnVD "MouseUp" resizeInterface

can anybody make it better or faster?

you can do exactly same things using DataGridView control with custom paint…
to change number of rows and columns of the grid on fly is not a big deal.

LOL , i mixed spinners and sliders and it seems you were asking about scrollbars

i wonder, when you write a form derived from the and not
from MaxCustomControls.Maxform … how do you handle the keyboard entry?
the min/maximize main max window …etc ?

Hi Denis
you say DataGridView… okay I will try

but you know? inside is not simple grid , but buttons.
and arrows is not scrollbars , but manipulators for increment buttons count
vertical and horizontal …

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