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[Closed] Create a subObject selection set??

So if Im in face mode of ePoly, and select some faces and then type a name into the SelectionSet field, it creates a selectionSet that is only visible when you are in face mode of that object, and hold just those faces that were selected.

The Maxscript reference is woefully light on the topic of SelectionSets, and I can’t seem to figure out how to create that same type of selectionSet in maxscript…

Anyone know?

8 Replies

I’m afraid it’s not possible to create a new “named selection set” with maxScript.

You can create a new named selection set by doing this:

selectionSets[“my set name”] = nodeArray;

Whether that works in sub-object mode, no idea.

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Joined: 11 months ago

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Yeah actually creating a selectionSet is trivial (despite the first responder). It unfortunatley does NOT work at the subobject level.

However, you can copy/pase existing ones:

Maybe that will help.

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Joined: 11 months ago

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lol… wtf are you talking about? That has no relevence to my origianl question.

Maybe instead of being arrogant you should revise your knowledge.
As far as there’s no info about sub-o named selections in poly, copy/paste functions might be helpful for someone wiser than you. But this is not necessary.

I’m not answering your question, just helping other people. So thank them, not me.

obj = $
fs = obj.faces
fs[“your_ns”] = #{1,2,3}
select fs[“your_ns”]

Works for both editable mesh and poly.

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Joined: 11 months ago

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You’ll pardon my cynicism/sarcasm when you’re first reply was patently incorrect, and your second reply didn’t really apply to the question at hand.

ok. just to make things clear. When saying it’s “not possible” I meant in poly sub-object mode. I thought that was obvious as there’s a lot info about named sel in general.
My bad anyway.
But in case the solution I’ve found didn’t work for polys, copy/paste would do the thing, so it applies to your question more than you’ve thought.
Nevermind :).