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[Closed] CopyDirTree Recursive
Jan 30, 2010 12:54 pm
I made a function for copy Dirs with all subdirs and files to destination path.
Its working fine , but Im sure what somebody of you can make it simpliest
--Recursive fn
fn copyAllDirsWithFiles inpath outpath =
if not doesFileExist outpath do try (makeDir outpath) catch (return false)
local the_dirs = getDirectories (inpath+"*.*")
for in_d in the_dirs do
local out_d =
local dir_elements = (filterString in_d "\\")
local last_dir = dir_elements[dir_elements.count]
makeDir out_d
local the_files = getFiles (in_d+"*.*")
for in_f in the_files do
local out_f = out_d + filenameFromPath in_f
copyFile in_f out_f
--recursive call
copyAllDirsWithFiles in_d out_d
fn copyDirTree inpath outpath owerwrite:false =
--check path end slash
if inpath [inpath.count ] != "\\" do inpath += "\\"
if outpath[outpath.count] != "\\" do outpath += "\\"
--check paths
if not doesFileExist inpath do return false
if not doesFileExist outpath do try (makeDir outpath) catch (return false)
--copy main dir files
local the_files = getFiles (inpath+"*.*")
for in_f in the_files do
local out_f = outpath + filenameFromPath in_f
copyFile in_f out_f
--copy subdirs and files
copyAllDirsWithFiles inpath outpath
return OK
2 Replies
Jan 30, 2010 12:54 pm
Hi Merlin, if you like, I got a whole set of functions for dealing with files, packed into a struct.
They’re available on IllusionCatalyst MaxScript page under “System Structures”
- Enrico
1 Reply
Hi Enrico , I Must say , Nice Job!!! I like you site
A Lot of Stuff for study, Thanks!