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[Closed] Coplanar Edge Removal?


how do i remove coplanar edges in a poly object? I want to remove all the coplanar edges/triangles in my object and create a n-gon.
What i usually did was to delete the triangles and cap the hole by hand. in this case, i’ve hundreds of faces and i need to integrate the code into my existing script.

I’ve found that this feature in implemented in a few plug-ins, like Proboolean and other commercial plug-ins, but is there some piece of code for free or is there a easy method to script it myself ? i actually don’t want to handle with trimeshes and stuff like that…


4 Replies

Hi Björn,
here is a function to do the job. It removes every edge from an editable poly whose adjacent faces are coplanar, cleans unneeded verts too. Maybe it’s not super optimized, but I guess you can polish it a bit when integrate it into your script.

function remCopEdges =
	-- get input object
	local oTest = selection[1]

	-- check input object
	if ((oTest != undefined) and (classOf oTest.baseObject == Editable_Poly)) then
		undo on
			-- get Edit Poly Edges
			local iNumEdges = polyop.getNumEdges oTest.baseObject
			local baEdges = #{1..iNumEdges}
			-- remove Edit Poly Border Edges from calculation
			local baOpenEdges = polyop.getOpenEdges oTest.baseObject
			local baInnerEdges = baEdges - baOpenEdges
			-- get Verts from inner Edges
			local baInnerVerts = polyOp.getVertsUsingEdge oTest.baseObject baInnerEdges

			local iFlag32 = bit.set 0 32 true

			-- Face normals check cycle
			for iEdge in baInnerEdges do
				-- for each inner Edge
				-- get Faces adjacent to Edge
				local iFace01 = oTest.baseObject.getEdgeFace iEdge 1
				local iFace02 = oTest.baseObject.getEdgeFace iEdge 2
				-- get adjacent Faces normal vector
				local p3FaceNorm01 = polyop.getFaceNormal oTest.baseObject iFace01
				local p3FaceNorm02 = polyop.getFaceNormal oTest.baseObject iFace02

				-- get angle between Faces normal vectors
				local fNormAngle = (acos(dot p3FaceNorm01 p3FaceNorm02))

				-- if the angle is less than 0.05 degrees, faces are coplanar,
				-- set a Flag on the shared Edge
				if (fNormAngle < 0.05) then
					polyOp.setEdgeFlags oTest.baseObject iEdge iFlag32 undoable:true
				-- Normals are not checked as vectors because of precision issues,
				-- setting the angle between vectors equal to 0, doesn't select
				-- all coplanar Faces. 0.05 is quite fair. A thresold value could
				-- be implemented here.
			-- get Edges to remove
			local baEdgesToRemove = polyOp.getEdgesByFlag oTest.baseObject iFlag32 mask:iFlag32
			-- get Edges to keep as difference
			local baInnerEdgesToKeep = baInnerEdges - baEdgesToRemove
			-- get Verts from Edges to keep
			local baInnerVertsToKeep = polyOp.getVertsUsingEdge oTest.baseObject baInnerEdgesToKeep

			-- get Verts to remove as difference and set a Flag on them
			local baInnerVertsToRemove = baInnerVerts - baInnerVertsToKeep
			polyOp.setVertFlags oTest.baseObject baInnerVertsToRemove iFlag32 undoable:true
			-- remove Verts (and Edges)
			-- the cycle is needed because sometimes some Verts are not removed
			-- by the first pass
				oTest.baseObject.remove selLevel:#Vertex flag:iFlag32
			while ((polyOp.getVertsByFlag oTest.baseObject 1).isEmpty == false)
			-- remove Edges not sharing a Vert removed
			oTest.baseObject.remove selLevel:#Edge flag:iFlag32

			-- remove isolated Verts. Not really needed but doesn't hurt.
			polyop.deleteIsoVerts oTest.baseObject
		messageBox "Please select a single Editable Poly object"

  • Enrico

Your function really does the job, except for a few faces, but thats because my script didn’t construct the faces correct in the first place.

Thanks very much!

— Problem solved

Why doesn’t this work for me? I get:
[b]– Syntax error: at ), expected <factor>
– In line: )


Hi Adam,
I cannot figure out what’s wrong, so I’ll go with a short tutorial. The script works with Editable Poly objects only.

  1. In 3ds Max go to menu MaxScript > New Script
  2. Copy the whole script to the new “Untitled – MaxScript” window
  3. From the menu of that window select File > Evaluate All
  4. There should be a blue “OK” as last message in the MaxScript Listener
  5. Select a single Editable Poly in the scene
  6. Write remCopEdges() in the listener and press enter from the numeric keypad, it should work

I know I’ve been a little tedious, but just to help comprehension

  • Enrico