[Closed] Controlling VrayHDRI rotation with Dome light x rotaiton
I’m using Vray.
So far I have this:
sceneMaterials["Map #2070297446"].horizontalRotation = $VRayLight001.rotation.z*122.4937
That will control it. However, I have to run the script every time I want to rotate and fix my hdri position. This controls the hdri with the dome so I can have the HDRI in my viewport background as environment and instanced to the vray HDRI material.
I know it’s lazy but I hate having all these windows open and sometimes I’m working on a material and decide the lighting is not right. I just want to grab the dome light z axis and rotate it and have the HDRI rotate with it.
Can’t you replace the horizontalrotation controller with a script controller and put your script expression in there?
param wire would be clearer. and it can be done by artist using just max UI (RC menu -> Wire…)
This is already an option in VRay.
‘Lock to dome orientation’ checkbox in texture rollout.