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[Closed] Controller Illegal self reference

Hello gents,

I’ve been reading everything that I could find about weak references, custom attributes but I still have problems to understand the concepts. I cannot reference a node so I’ve been trying to use a weak reference. The thing is the folowing, I added 2 custom attributes to a point helper, I’d like to read one of this attributes and change the scale of an object based on this value. I’ve tried several times and it sitll does not work. Is there anyone that could help me with this,it is driving me insane… I’ve read PEN’s tutorial several times and I don’t know what is going on. How do I make a custom attribute from a second object able to be referenced in another object? Please any help will be more then welcomed… I am attaching a screenshot and the script.

thanks in advance

caDefOrPos = attributes datum_originalPosition
parameters main
originalPosition type:#float tabSizeVariable:true 
caDefDistPoint = attributes datum_distancePoint 
parameters main rollout:rDist
distancePoint type:#float tabSizeVariable:true 
rollout rDist "General Info"
group "Values"
spinner spOrDist "Original Z" type:#float range:[0.0,1000000000000.00,0.0]
spinner spDist "Current Dist" type:#float range:[0.0,1000000000000.00,0.0]
fn updateListOne =
spOrDist.value = $.modifiers[1].originalPosition
spDist.value = $.modifiers[1].distancePoint 
on rDist open do updateListOne()
caDefController = attributes datum_controlPoint
parameters nodesP rollout:nodesR
controlPoint type:#maxObjectTab tabSize:0 tabSizeVariable:true
rollout nodesR "General Info"
group "Control Node"
listBox nodesList
fn updateList =
nNames=for n in controlPoint collect
on nodesR open do 
obj = $
pointArray = #()
faceCount = getNumFaces obj 
for i = 1 to faceCount by 2 do 

sz = 20
p = point() = (uniquename ("Weight_")) 
p.size = sz
p.wirecolor = black
p.isHidden = true
AtC = attachment()
p.pos.controller = AtC
addNewKey AtC 0f
theAKey = AttachCtrl.getKey AtC 1
AtC.node = obj
theAKey.face = i
theAKey.coord = [0,0.5] 
append pointArray p 
addModifier p EM
custAttributes.add EM caDefOrPos 
custAttributes.add EM caDefDistPoint
a = p.pos[3]
p.modifiers[1].originalPosition = a
p.modifiers[1].distancePoint.controller = bezier_float()
ctrlS = float_script()
ctrlS.script = "$"".modifiers[1].distancePoint = (abs($"".pos[3] - $" \".modifiers[1].originalPosition))"
p.modifiers[1].distancePoint.controller = ctrlS
theShape = $Ellipse01
for j in pointArray do
newObj = copy theShape
newObj.pos = j.pos
addModifier newObj EM
custAttributes.add EM caDefController 
append newObj.modifiers[1].controlPoint (nodeTransformMonitor node:j forwardTransformChangeMsgs:true)

newObj.scale.controller = scale_list()
ctrlScale = scale_script()
ctrlScale.script = "MS = ($" \".modifiers[1].controlPoint[1]).node.modifiers[1].distancePoint * 0.01 * [1,1,1]" 
newObj.scale.controller = ctrlScale