[Closed] Control some option in viewport config through Script
This is some option I want to control in viewport config
However, I can not find them in manual, there is no line in manual about these option. So how could I control them
Thanks for any help
Shade Selected Faces is the shortcut key “F2”
Selection Brackets is “J”
Not sure about the last one… Why would you want to control these via scripting?
enable your listener… all the options… and as you press the hot keys, you’ll see. stuff like this…
actionMan.executeAction 0 “370” – Tools: Show Selection Bracket Toggle
You can use this code to toggle the state… How to read the state is another issue…
Good luck
But I dont want to mess with the tongle thing, I want to set it ON or OFF
like this for example command
viewport.showbracket = 0
But can not find this kind of type in manual, no info in viewport page
Not every option is available in MaxScript. If you’ve looked for it and couldn’t find it, then you probably can’t set it through script. I’ve run into this before and it’s frustrating that not everything is scriptable, but there’s not much we can do about it beyond posting a message to the wishlist forum in The Area: http://area.autodesk.com/index.php/forums/viewforum/32/
I see
Maybe we can not control it :|. No info in manual so I guess there is no script for this little check box
naw, -everything- is scriptable if you try hard enough and are insane enough. Either via the crazy dialogMonitorOps + UIAccessor + Windows. + sendMessage, or via a third party utility (for example, to change as string; as I still haven’t figured out how one might go about creating a string buffer and get a pointer index for it back).
Anyway… using the first-mentioned:
BM_SETCHECK = 241 -- checkbutton toggle message ID
dialogMonitorOPS.UnRegisterNotification id:#test -- remove any old instance
dialogMonitorOps.enabled = true -- enable the monitor
fn test = (
hwnd = DialogMonitorOPS.GetWindowHandle() -- check the dialog that popped up
hwnd_title = UIAccessor.GetWindowText hwnd
if (hwnd_title == "Viewport Configuration") then ( -- the viewport config dialog
controls = windows.getChildrenHWND hwnd -- get all controls for this dialog
shadeSel = controls[335][1] -- get the appropriate controls
selBrackets = controls[336][1]
edgedFaces = controls[337][1]
UIAccessor.SendMessage shadeSel BM_SETCHECK 1 0 -- 0 0 == unchecked
UIAccessor.SendMessage selBrackets BM_SETCHECK 1 0
UIAccessor.SendMessage edgedFaces BM_SETCHECK 1 0
UIAccessor.PressButtonByName hwnd "OK"
dialogMonitorOPS.RegisterNotification test id:#test -- register the monitor
max vptconfig -- pop up the viewport config dialog (see above function for what happens next)
dialogMonitorOPS.UnRegisterNotification id:#test -- remove the monitor
dialogMonitorOps.enabled = false -- disable the monitor
You could abstract this into a function that essentially allows you to poke at any checkbox in that, or any other, dialog… ‘ll leave that as an excercise for the reader (it’s fairly trivial).
The above only works in 3ds Max 2008+ or 3ds Max r9+ with the AVGuard extension installed ( need it for “windows.getChildrenHWND” )
What a hack…
How do always you get the correct IDs for the buttons and stuff from a dialog?!
I.e. how do you know it is controls[335] that is the Shade Selected Faces toggle? And how do you know the ID of the message to send?
Can you also use dialogMonitorOps for UI elements in the Modify Tab rollout?
– MartinB
I dont get much, maybe It is not a traditional script but hacking thing :arteest:
BUt I will try to look into, thanks
It’s not nearly as hacky as some other methods %)
The command that gets all the controls in a dialog returns a large array of small arrays. These small arrays contains the hwnd of the control as the first element, then other stuff, and the label on the control as the last element.
Hasn’t changed in ages; but yes, if you want to be safe, see the previous; find the correct control directly.
msdn is your friend there
I don’t think that opens as a dialog and as such, you can’t get the hwnd for that to play with directly. I guess you could get the main max hwnd and get its child windows and whatnot; I’ve certainly not tried, but as long as you can get at the dialog the control is in, and the control itself, you can do pretty much anything with standard windows messages.
here you go… quicky code
Edit: forgot to mention; you’ll need some object with a Hemisphere checkbox in the modify panel, obviously
fn getModifyPanelControl str = (
max_hwnd = windows.getMAXHWND()
max_children = windows.getChildrenHWND max_hwnd
modifyPanelFound = false
for el in max_children do (
if (el[4] == "ModifyTask") then ( modifyPanelFound = true )
if (modifyPanelFound) then ( -- ignore if we haven't found the modify panel!
if (el[5] == str) then ( exit with el )
if (el[4] == "HierarchyTask") then ( exit with undefined ) -- hierarchy panel, no luck.
hemiSphere_ui = getModifyPanelControl "Hemisphere"
#(123079254P, 30083334P, 30083334P, "Button", "Hemisphere")
if (hemiSphere_ui != undefined) do (
control_hwnd = hemiSphere_ui[1]
controlParent = hemiSphere_ui[2]
controlID = UIAccessor.GetWindowResourceID hemiSphere_ui[1]
windows.sendMessage control_hwnd BM_SETCHECK 1 0 -- 0 0 to uncheck
windows.sendMessage controlParent WM_COMMAND ((bit.shift BN_CLICKED 16) + controlID) control_hwnd
Edit: durrr… and this doesn’t work; I keep forgetting this. This only checks the UI checkbox, but it doesn’t signal to windows that the checkbox state changed. So the (in my case) GeoSphere remains happily non-hemisphere. ‘ll have to dig up the proper message for this (it works in the viewport config dialog because it applies its values when you OK the dialog).
Edit2: Ohhhhh brimey, broody breeding herr. I forgot how annoying that was. Anyway, see the end of the new code up above.