[Closed] Continuously set knots
Hi. I’m setting knot points on a spline at every frame based on the position of two dummy objects. However, I can’t put the script in the spline because of illegal self-referencing and I can’t use weak referencing because the Node in Attribute Holder doesn’t support splines(?!?!?). Where can I put this script that it will safely evaluate?
another object, parameter, attribute thats not involved. Remember you can control other objects using a script_controller. I tend to use scale as a placeholder for script_controllers that control other objects/splines etc.
I’ve achieved the setting of knots nad it plays fine in the viewport, but when I try to render a sequence it won’t update on a per-frame basis. Any thoughts?
The attachment is max9
Helpers CANNOT be used as stand-ins for controlling stuff because they are non-renderable and thus do not get their Scale track updated on each frame during rendering.
Create a Box instead and make sure the Scale Script controller returns [0,0,0] at the end so the box would get infinitely small.
If you render, the code should work because the box will be reevaluated on each frame.
This doesn’t seem to solve the problem, Bobo. It still doesn’t update when using geometry versus a helper.
Still doesn’t work. I tried ot put the code in geometry and couldn’t get it . . .
I seem to have found a solution . . .the script has to be in a modifier on top of the splineshape. I have no idea why this works, but it does and that’s good enough for me.