[Closed] Connecting to a MySQL database, why doesn't it work?
Hi loocas,
If this works for you, great!
When I tried it, I had no problem connection to MySQL through the ODBC connector. The issue was that some data type didn’t convert to mxs values, and crashed the script. That’s why I went with myX solution.
I don’t remember all the types that worked and the ones that didn’t work, but time-date types and blobs gave me hell
The downside being that the .NET translation is about 10 times slower than the ODBC connection.
The ODBC connection can get 2,000 records in a fraction of a second.
Converting a .NET dataarray to a maxarray takes about 1-1.5 seconds.
If you convert it to a struct then it takes even longer ~1.25.175 seconds.
I have gotten to writing all of my SQL requests by hand for .net to be as lean as possible while with ODBC I would just grab all of the data and let max deal with it later.
Some things are faster with .Net for instance if you use a ExecuteScalar instead of ExecuteReader on the command object it returns a single value which is lightning fast.