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[Closed] Connected Local IP

I’ve found a way to do this:

 	cc=(dotnetclass "System.Net.Dns")
 	oo =cc.GetHostAddresses(cc.GetHostName())

It’s working well at me, but tell me, is there a better way of doing this?

4 Replies

all is almost right. but if you want to be absolutely correct:

fn getLocalIPAddress asString:on =
	dns = dotnetclass "System.Net.Dns"
	entry = dns.GetHostEntry (dns.GetHostName())
	for address in entry.Addresslist where address.AddressFamily == address.AddressFamily.InterNetwork do
		exit with (if asString then address.ToString() else address.Address)


fn intIPAddressToString ip = 
	str = ""
	for k=0 to 3 do 
		str += formattedprint (bit.and ip 0xFF) format:"d"
		if k < 3 do 
			ip = bit.shift ip -8
			str += "."

Why not

(dotnetObject "System.Net.IPAddress" ip).ToString()
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because i just wanted to know how it makes the string i knew it’s four bytes but i didn’t know the order

Thank you, Denis!