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[Closed] Conditional wire parameter?

Please take a look at the following

rollout wtest "Test"
button btn_b1 "Make Ball 1" 
button btn_b2 "Make Ball 2" 
button btn_wire "Connect"
local b1, b2
on btn_b1 pressed do
b1 = sphere()
on btn_b2 pressed do
b2 = sphere pos:[50,0,0]
on btn_wire pressed do
paramWire.connect2way b1.pos.controller[#Y_Position]\
b2.pos.controller[#Y_Position] ("Y_Position") \
createDialog wtest 200 120 

The two spheres share the same y- and z-axes when they’re created. Is it possible to alter the paramWire in such a way that the link between the two spheres will be enabled only when they are on the same z-axis? In other words, the wire parameter can be turned on and off by altering the z_position of either of the spheres? Many thanks.