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[Closed] Combining all Objects that Share a Material?

Hi guys,

Is there a way to combine several objects in a scene that use the same Material ID? Are there any scripts that could do that or any guidance would be greatly appreciated!


4 Replies

Can you define what you mean by combine? Do you want them to be one object, grouped, booleaned etc.?

This was the first script I’ve ever made like 2 years ago. From what I understand you want to attach all the geom with the same material.

for i = 1 to sceneMaterials.count do
f = for g in geometry where ( g.material == sceneMaterials[i]) collect g
convertToPoly f[1]
gCount = f.count – 1
for j = 1 to gCount do
polyop.attach f[1] f[2]

I’d like them to be attached to each other and then become 1 object. MoreInfoPlz I ran your script, and it gave me an error…

– Runtime error: Attempt to access deleted scene object

Thank you though, I’ll play around with it and see what I can figure out

ah ok, so basically you just need to attach all the geometry in the scene.
geom = geometry as array
undefinedGeom = #()
convertToPoly geom[1]
for i = 2 to geom.count do
if(geom[i].material != undefined) then
polyop.attach geom[1] geom[i]
append undefinedGeom geom[i]

if undefinedGeom[1] != undefined then
convertToPoly undefinedGeom[1]
for i = 2 to undefinedGeom.count do
polyop.attach undefinedGeom[1] undefinedGeom[i]

This script combines all the objects and if there are undefined materials on the object it combines the undefined. Didn’t thoroughly test it so it will most likely have bugs.