[Closed] Colored Buttons
Is there a way to color the buttons in a rollout? I’ve tried creating an imgTag the same width and height as the button, giving it a solid color bitmap, setting the opacity to .5 and moving into position over the button, but that doesn’t seem to work. And I know that I can create an image to use for the button, but I want to the text display and just color the background.
Is there any way to do this?
Hey James,
I use a ‘checkbutton’ for this.
They have a color property and then just always keep the button pressed.
myCheckbutton changed state do
mycheckbutton.state = true
– rest of your code goes here
Take care,
Or use a dotnet button (System.Windows.Forms.Button) and set its .BackColor property.
How do I convert a maxScript color value ( [255,255,255] ) to System.Drawing.Color?
See the bottom of the topic “Creating A Simple DotNet MonthCalendar And Changing Its Colors”. The FromArgb() method exposed by System.Drawing.Color can convert (A)RGB values to DotNet colors. Just pass the R, G and B of the MAXScript color as arguments. Note that other than in ActiveX, the colors are in the correct RGB order and not BGR.
Alternatively, you can constuct a DotNetClass and call the method in it:
yourDotNetButton.backcolor = (DotNetClass “System.Drawing.Color”).fromARGB 100 100 200
hi James,
just to add to Bobo’s post, you can also use nice button properties like text positioning, mouse overlay colors, transparent images by specifiying a few more classes. The image in this case has a white background but you will have to let them point to a different bitmap for the code to run.
rollout DotNetTest ".Net UI on MXS Form"
dotnetcontrol mbutton "System.Windows.Forms.Button" height:60 width:80 pos:[5,5]
dotnetcontrol mbutton2 "System.Windows.Forms.Button" height:60 width:80 pos:[88,5]
on dotnettest open do
mcolor = dotnetclass "System.drawing.color"
malign = dotnetclass "System.Drawing.ContentAlignment"
maxBackColor = colorMan.getColor #background
DotNetBackColor = mColor.FromArgb (maxBackColor[1] * 255.0f) (maxBackColor[2] * 255.0f) (maxBackColor[3] * 255.0f)
imageclass = dotNetclass "System.Drawing.image"
-- load bitmaps
IListimage1 = imageclass.fromfile (LRUIdir+"zfstart.bmp")
IListimage2 = imageclass.fromfile (LRUIdir+"zfstop.bmp")
--create an imagelist
imglist = dotnetobject "System.Windows.Forms.ImageList"
imglist.imagesize = dotnetobject "System.Drawing.Size" 64 35
--add them to the image list
imglist.images.add ilistimage1
imglist.images.add ilistimage2
imglist.TransparentColor = mcolor.white
mbutton.text = "Add Start"
mbutton.flatstyle = dotnetobject "System.Windows.Forms.FlatStyle" Flat
mButton.TextAlign = malign.BottomCenter
mbutton.imagealign = malign.topcenter
mbutton.FlatAppearance.MouseOverBackColor = mcolor.limegreen
mbutton.backcolor = DotNetBackColor
mButton2.text = "Add Stop"
mbutton2.flatstyle = dotnetobject "System.Windows.Forms.FlatStyle" Flat
mbutton2.imagealign = malign.topcenter
mButton2.TextAlign = malign.bottomCenter
mbutton2.FlatAppearance.MouseOverBackColor = mcolor.coral
mbutton2.backcolor = DotNetBackColor
mbutton.ImageIndex = 0
mbutton.ImageList = ImgList
mbutton2.imageindex = 1
mbutton2.ImageList = ImgList
on mbutton click do
print "start pressed"
on mbutton2 click do
print "stop pressed"
createdialog dotnettest 175 80 style:#(#style_toolwindow, #style_sysmenu)