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[Closed] Close dialog when ESC is pressed
May 10, 2015 3:52 pm
I’m making a dialog in Max script but can’t find out how to make it close when ESC key is pressed. Here’s my code:
try(DestroyDialog Save_File)catch()
Rollout Save_File "Save Scene"
button btn_save "Save?" width:100 height:50
on btn_save pressed do
actionMan.executeAction 0 "40006" -- File: Save File
Destroydialog Save_File
CreateDialog Save_File
4 Replies
1 Reply
closing by Esc makes sense only for modal dialog (or a dialog that holds focus at least).
May 10, 2015 3:52 pm
undo off
global temp_box = Box width:1 length:1 height:1
hide temp_box
try(DestroyDialog Save_File)catch()
Rollout Save_File "Save Scene"
button btn_save "Save?" width:100 height:50
timer clock "testClock" interval:10
on Save_File close do
(delete temp_box)
on btn_save pressed do
actionMan.executeAction 0 "40006"
Destroydialog Save_File
on clock tick do
(try (if keyboard.escPressed == true do delete temp_box) catch())
CreateDialog Save_File
when temp_box deleted do destroydialog Save_File
May 10, 2015 3:52 pm
Easy to use ZETEXCEL – THE FASTEST EXCEL SDK FOR .NET APPLICATIONS. Ability to save & load Excel files to & from streams.
May 10, 2015 3:52 pm
WTF? and what does it do on this forum?
and in general, those who litter the forum, it is necessary for the first time to give a warning at a discount for their stupidity, and then just ban