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[Closed] Close/Min/Maximize A Rollout (createDialog) with MS


     I've ran into something here.. What im trying to acomplish is to create custom buttons to; in my case close/minimize (but maximize aswell sometime) a rollout (createDialog). So that im able to create borderless dialogs without any styles.
     I've found nothing of use so far, here on the forum and on google all I can think of is
[b][b]Windows[/b][/b].[b][b]sendMessage[/b][/b] <int HWND>  <int message> <int messageParameter1> <int  messageParameter2>

[font=Verdana]Or even a dotNet command? (never touched dotNet)
[/font][font=Verdana] But I have no idea how that would work or where I could find the answer for that.

 [/font][font=Verdana]What I did see was;
[/font][color=blue]if[/color] xrs_hwnd !=  undefined [color=blue]do[/color] windows.sendMessage xrs_hwnd[1] 0x0010 0 0 [color=green]-- if found, send close message[/color][font=Verdana]

in the manual but I dont know if that works (specially on minimize/maximize (since i can close with destroy dialog)) since I dont know how to get the Dialog’s (rollout) HWND.

Greetings from Holland!

6 Replies

You can do without any api calls, and use the built-in .placement property:

<rollout_floater>.placement Name, enums:{#minimized|#maximized|#normal}

This property gets/sets whether the dialog is minimized, maximized, or normal. This property will return ‘undefined’ if the rollout is a not in a dialog, or the dialog is a dialogBar or is in a viewport.

This property is valid for Rolloutfloaters that are not a dialogBar nor in a viewport.


That looked good except for the fact that:

“For example, if you set the property value to #maximized and #style_maximizebox was not specified in createDialog’s style argument, no action occurs.”
So when I i tied it didnt work since im createDialog’n without any style’s so no frame around it and no titlebar. It just kept on returning “#minimized” or “#maximized” without performing any actions.

Though the other thing that might occur would be that if it minimizes it would disapear becouse it has no titlebar so I dont know if this would work at all.

This should do the trick:

rollout MinMaxTest "Minimize/Maximize Test" width:208 height:28
	local MyHandle
	local WM_SYSCOMMAND	= 0x112
	local SC_MINIMIZE	= 0xf020
	local SC_MAXIMIZE	= 0xf030
	local SC_RESTORE	= 0xf120
	button btnMinimize "Minimize" pos:[4,4] width:64 height:20
	button btnMaximize "Maximize" pos:[72,4] width:64 height:20
	button btnClose "Close" pos:[140,4] width:64 height:20
	on btnMinimize pressed do
		windows.sendMessage MyHandle WM_SYSCOMMAND SC_MINIMIZE 0
	on btnMaximize pressed do
		if MinMaxTest.placement == #maximized then
			windows.sendMessage MyHandle WM_SYSCOMMAND SC_RESTORE 0
			windows.sendMessage MyHandle WM_SYSCOMMAND SC_MAXIMIZE 0
	on btnClose pressed do
		destroyDialog MinMaxTest
	on MinMaxTest open do
		-- backup current title and set it to a unique string
		local MyTitle = MinMaxTest.title
		MinMaxTest.title = "__UnIqUe_TiTlE__"
		-- get the rollouts handle using the UIAccessor interface
		local OpenDialogs	= UIAccessor.GetPopupDialogs()
		local DialogTitles	= for d in OpenDialogs collect (UIAccessor.GetWindowText d)
		local DialogIndex	= findItem DialogTitles "__UnIqUe_TiTlE__"
		MyHandle = OpenDialogs[DialogIndex]
		-- get the rollouts handle using the windows structure
-- 		local MaxWindows	= windows.getChildrenHWND 0 parent:#max
-- 		local WindowTitles	= for w in MaxWindows collect w[5]
-- 		local WindowIndex	= findItem WindowTitles "__UnIqUe_TiTlE__"
-- 		MyHandle = MaxWindows[WindowIndex][1]

		-- restore previous dialog title
		MinMaxTest.title = MyTitle

createDialog MinMaxTest style:#()

I’ve included two methods to get the rollout’s handle. The first one is probably slightly faster because the ‘GetPopupDialogs’ method normally returns less windows than ‘getChildrenHWND’.

When the dialog has been minimized you can doubleclick on the titlebar to restore it.


Ah thanks alot Martijn ill try and play with it once my lunch break is over!

One last thing (for now atleast) though is there any good place to find those values, becouse I was browsing MSDN and had allready seen the SC_MINIMIZE etc but i cant find the values on the site so I cant experiment with other things since I dont know the values I need to send.


Google for “winuser.h”. For more esoteric ones, simply google for “define <variable name>”.

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Allright Cheers