[Closed] Clear MacroRecorder by maxscript
I can’t find any in fo on this. I do use clearlistener() alot of the time but want to clear the MacroRecorder too. Any ideas?
I’m interested in this as well. So far I tried free/flush methods on the macroRecorder stream, same with SDK methods (also Rewind() there) and even postMessage to send CTRL+D to its hWnd (but everytime, main max window caught the message instead…). Nothing seems to work and I don’t have other ideas.
UIAccessor.SetWindowText (windows.getChildrenHWND (dotNetClass "Autodesk.Max.GlobalInterface").Instance.TheListenerWindow)[2][1] ""
Actually there’s a listener class instance available.
fn ClearListenerWindow macro:true listener:true =
if macro do UIAccessor.SetWindowText (dotNetClass "Autodesk.Max.GlobalInterface").Instance.TheListener.MacrorecBox ""
if listener do UIAccessor.SetWindowText (dotNetClass "Autodesk.Max.GlobalInterface").Instance.TheListener.EditBox ""
this is what I use from the sdk
SendMessage(the_listener->edit_box, WM_SETTEXT, 0, (LPARAM)_T("")); // clears the listener
SendMessage(the_listener->macrorec_box , WM_SETTEXT, 0, (LPARAM)_T("")); // clears the macro recorder
you have to include both
maxscrpt/MAXScrpt.h or maxscript/maxscript.h
maxscrpt/Listener.h or maxscript/util/listener.h
or what i use:
SetWindowText(the_listener->macrorec_box, L"");
SetWindowText(the_listener->edit_box, L"");
how is about:
SendMessage(the_listener->edit_box, SCI_CLEARALL, 0, 0);
taking into account that the edit_box (and macrorec_box) a MXS_Scintilla window?
for later versions of max then
windows.sendMessage (dotNetClass "Autodesk.Max.GlobalInterface").Instance.TheListener.MacrorecBox 2004 0 0