[Closed] Class parameters in scripted plugins
Does anyone have experiences with “class parameters” in scripted plugins? That is creating a parameter block with “type:#class” which allows all instances of this plugin class to share the same parameters.
Max crashes, if I use them…
You’re reading the help file wrong.
You’re probably talking about this section:
parameters <name> [type:#class] [rollout:<name>]
{ <param_defs> }+
{ <event_handler> }
[type:#class] wants to be one of the following classes:
#float animatable
#integer animatable
#index animatable
#color animatable
#rgb animatable
#frgba animatable
#point3 animatable
#point4 animatable
#boolean animatable
#angle animatable
#percent animatable
#worldUnits animatable
#colorChannel animatable
#time animatable