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[Closed] Checkbutton.Text = arrays info

okay i feel realing dumb with this one. Its for the maxscript challenge.

For those who dont know the subject, you have to make a script to get Info for your scene.

So what i made is a script that go trought the scene and get object of the same class and slap ‘hem in respective array.
Everything’s fine now but i keep hitting the same prob And i’m sure i already found the answer some time ago but i memory is a thing that forget

Problem: Be able to get the number of Object in an array and return the corresponding number to a checkbutton.
Something like

 checkbutton OBjCount " Object Counter"
   on ObjCount changed state do
     if state  ==on
      then ObjCount.text = ""
      else  ObjCount.Text =  number of object in array -- <-- i'm stuk here

man i’m sure its just too easy.
WHo think i gonna find the answer on my own as soon as i send the tread?

3 Replies

have you tried

checkbutton OBjCount " Object Counter"
  on ObjCount changed state do
        if state  ==on
         then ObjCount.text = ""
         else  ObjCount.Text = (array.count as string)

yes and i look to me like it was the logical way but u got
–unknown property: “Count” in checkbuttoncontrol:LightCount
anyways i’ll have to go in the maxscript ref again.

thanks for trying

[edit] i modify array name to ObjCount and i got
–unknow property: “COUNT” in 5.
weird but i think i’m getting closer.

[edit again] find it. it was some stoopid typo mistake. that what happen when youre tired and tried to script

Can I suggest for a start that you bracket your code so it’s easier to read, like so:

 on objCount changed state do
       if state == on then
         objCount.text = ""
         objCount.text =  (myArray.count as string)

If you modify your array name to the same name as the button object, you’re going to run into problems. You have to use unique names for each variable.