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[Closed] Check values from a child dialog

I have been modifying the E-light script

for more streamlined use for our workflow…

now the script as is creates a light dome for you…its quite handy that you can close down the dialog and when you relaunch it it reads in all the values of the existing dome…(radius, hemisphere, mulitplier etc)

now i have rearranged the dialog box and put alot of the more advanced functions on to a seperate dialog becuase they are not often changed but still want access to them…

macroScript tools_v2
tooltip:"Utilities 2"
Global GeosphereHemisphereChecked = off
fn valuecheck =
--Import current scene automatically
if ($EL1928_dome != undefined) and ($EL1928_light01 != undefined) then
GeosphereHemisphere.checked = GeosphereHemisphereChecked
rollout Advancedsettings "Advanced Settings" width:225
group "Dome Parameters" 
Checkbox GeosphereHemisphere "Hemisphere" checked:off offset:[-1,-1] across:2
rollout tools_V2 "v2" width:225 height:315
button advanced "Advanced" pos:[115,275] width:100
on advanced pressed do
IF $EL1928_dome == undefined then
messagebox "Create Light Dome First !"
createDialog advancedsettings pos:[100,480] style:#(#style_titlebar, #style_sysmenu)
createDialog tools_V2 pos:[100,130] style:#(#style_minimizebox, #style_titlebar, #style_sysmenu)
--Import current scene automatically

now when it runs im getting an unknown property for .checked

GeosphereHemisphere.checked = GeosphereHemisphereChecked

I was thinking becuase now the hemisphere check box is on the advancedsettings dialog that it should read

advancedsettings.GeosphereHemisphere.checked = GeosphereHemisphereChecked

but that errors out also…

any help would be great
