[Closed] Changing toolmode.commandmode
I want to achieve this, but i’m not sure if it’s posible with maxscript.
Imagine three objects, box01, box02, box03.
When toolmode.commandmode is set to #mode, i want box03 parented to box02 and box02 parented to box01. If i change toolmode.commandmode to #rotate or #scale, box01, box02 and box03 parent should be undefined.
So the question is changing toolmode.commandmode should change parent state of scene objects
Is this posible?
thanks in advance
thanks in advance
Afaik, there’s no callback for toolmode changes. You could create a macroscript though which would set the toolmode, and change the parenting in one go.
What’s the purpose of the change in parenting? As you probably already now, changing node hierarchies on the fly will not work with animated objects.