[Closed] Changin orientation constraint wiegth
I want to try out something for a switchable IKFK system. I have a bone that has orientation constraints on two other bones. This Is what I want it to do.
IK exemple
1.Press IK button
2. Create key for current orientation con weights at current time -1
3. Change Fk target weight to 0
4. Change IK target weight to 1
5Create Key for new target weights at current time.
This is supposed to happen when I press a button. I created the rollout already but I can’t figure out how to script these functions.
This is my script (It’s supposed to be added to an attribute holder):
ca=attributes Blendswitcher
rollout switchmenu “IK/FK switch”
button IKbutton “IK”
button FKbutton “FK”
on IKbutton pressed do
on FKbutton pressed do
custattributes.add $.modifiers[1] ca
Thanks in advanced.
Needless to say the buttons are empty because I have no idea how to make the script I need.